Visiting their Graves

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Sam and Wis got back to London after the small celebration they had with the staff. Sam tried to enjoy it as much as she can with her sister because she knows for sure she will be busy once the word of her getting back comes out.

They're in the private jet right now. They have been up in the air for 5 hours. As much as Wis spent most of her time there, she wanted to explore the world. She wants to learn a lot. She's a book nerd, too, just like her father.

"Is there a library over there?" Wis asked with excitement in her eyes. Sam chuckled while nodding her head.

"I know how nerd you get, but please get some sun once in a while. I've been through that phase, too," she added with a soft smile.

"Did you finished reading those books?"

"I did. I started at 5. I bet you already read some of the books, so that should cut you off sometime. I know you're smart but do you still wanna try going to Uni?" Sam asked with a bit of worry. Wis nodded as she removed her nose from the book.

"I want to experience school, even just for a short amount of time. I'm thinking of... Business?" She said, unsure of her answer.

"You want to be stuck on a table full of paperwork? I'm too lazy for that," Sam said, rolling her eyes. Wis chuckled at her sister's antics.

"Because you prefer to be in a lab doing research," Wis said in a remark. "But still, you're doing paperwork," she added.

"Because my job requires me to," Sam groaned. The two of them fell into a comfortable silence. "Wis, I'm gonna tell you something you should not be saying to anyone," Sam said, looking at her sister with a serious look. "I'm not just a CEO of our father's company. I'm also a duchess, and I work under the direct order of Queen Violet," she explained.


"Come on, Lil sis. Say something".

"I know. Suppose you want to ask why grandma gave me her journal about you and the family to read. I don't know if you knew about this," Wis signalled her sister to come closer. "Grandma and the previous Queen used to have a relationship," this got Sam in surprise.

"What the fu-" Wis quickly covered her mouth.

"Only the two of us should know about it!" She scolded her sister. "I kind of connected the dots, so I know you would get to work under Queen Violet," she said in a hushed voice.

"How many secrets do you know, my dear sister?" Sam asked with squinted eyes, her smirk showing on her lips.

"I bet Queen Violet wants me to add in her addition," Wis shrugged her shoulders as she sat back in her seat.

"How'd you-"

"Grandma Lizzie," Wis smirked. Sam frowned a bit and came to realize who was Wis referring to. Before Sam could ask a question, Wis showed her a burner phone. "We talk from time to time, especially when grandma died," she smiled at the talks she had with the old Queen.

"Okay, this is news for me. We better get some rest. I'll be busy in the next few days, so you better behave yourself," Sam said with a pointed look. Wis raised her hands in defence.

The Thompson siblings rested as they made their way back to the English soil. Sam's mind was filled with the information she just got from her little sister. She realized why her grandma was always out of reach. It was to stay with her little sister, and Sam was grateful for her actions. 

Wis felt someone tapping her shoulder, and she saw her sister. No, it wasn't her sister because he has more masculine features. Wake up, help your sister. Then all of a sudden, she woke up this time from her dream. She was sweating down despite the cold temperature. She looked beside her and saw that her sister was groaning. 

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