Chapter 13

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So the next morning was beautiful,no matter that was raining like crazy. Regina was so happy bc she woke up on Robins chest. ''Good morning,beauty.'' Regina smiled and said ''Oh,look who's woken up...How are you?'' he was gently caressing kissing her forehead and said ''How do you think I am? I am sleeping and woking up with my soulmate...with the queen!'' she smiled and looked at him ''And I...with the most handsome thiefe,who stole...much more then my heart.'' he kissed her softly and calmly,so he can feel her skin on his. ''Mmm...Robin...'' she muttered between kisses and he muttered back ''What is it?'' She pulled back and said ''Maybe it's time for us to get up.'' he gave her sad moan and said ''But,darling,look at this weather...It's so cold and I know that you want to be here the whole day!'' Regina collapsed her head on his shoulder and said with small smile ''Ohh I know! But,it's not just two of us here...our boys,I think we should take care of them too,don't you think?'' he took her cheeks with both of his hands and said ''I'm so happy that you said our boys...maybe some day...we will have our little group of queen-thieves children.'' she looked at him and said with lovely look and smile ''I would like that.'' after that she hugged him,he hugged her back with his strong arms and said ''I would like you to give birth thousands of my children.'' she smiled aloud and said ''Yeaah,don't you think that thousands is a little too much?'' he raised his eyebrow and said with strangeness in his voice ''No,it isn't...Bc,wherever I turn, I want to see our children that would remind me of you and our love.'' and then she kissed him so hard,with so much passion,with tongue exploring his mouth. He was breathless but Regina didn't want to give him space for breating...she just didn't want that. She was kissing him so hard...with so much love and desire. He was returning the same to her. He grabbed her waist and pulled her so close to him. He was kissing her breast so hard,nippling her breasts while she was moaning ''Such,tender...hands,you have...'' he smiled and he said ''And what nice breats you have,Your Majesty...'' she grabbed his neck,breathing hardly while she was kissing all of his face...and then the strangest thing happen. The windows,strangley, opened themselves! The cold air was coming into their room but not interrupting the love birds with making out in hot and warm bed. But then,the lights were starting to turn off-on, off-on...Robin saw that and said ''Regina...Regina!'' she pulled back and looked at him strangely ''What is it?'' he was so confused and he said ''Regina,I do hope that you didn't do that...'' She smiled in such surprise and asked ''What?'' he pointed one finger on window and another on the lights ''I think you did that...Are you sure you don't have magic here?'' she turned blue and said ''It's not possible!'' she got up from the bed. She closed the windows and switched off the lights and said ''but how...?'' he got up from the bed too and said ''Maybe this passion and love and mixed up thoughts have just shown their power through magic.'' she looked at him concerne and said anxiously ''What If someone sees my magic and...and do things to me like Greg and Tamara...?'' Robin looked at her with sad and concern look ''And what did they do to you?'' Regina sat on the bed and started with explaining ''Greg put me on electroshocks...he was torturing me...but before that,I took one of my mothers bracelets and put it on my wrist and...and that took all of my powers! They said that they have something more powerful then magic...a science!'' He hugged her and said ''Yes,but then you didn't have me! I'm going to take care of you,and if someone,even try to hurt you...I will stab my arrow straight into their hearts! No one will ever hurt you! Even touch you,I can assure you that.'' he hugged her tight and said ''Just,don't be worried. Put your bright smile upon your beautiful face and...and enjoy this vacation.'' she smiled and said nicely ''I love you.'' he grabbed her face with his hands while he was making curcles with his thumbs on her cheeks and said ''I love you too,and I won't let anyone hurt you. I promise!'' after that they got ready for a new day. New day in New York. It was a cold weather,so Regina put some grey sweater on,black professional pants and chapstick with taste of strawberry. Robin put usual pants and green shirt that was outlined his arm muscels and abs perfectly. She was making her haircut in front of the mirror. He was looking at her back,and backside. She saw that bad smirk that he has on his sexy face and she said with smile ''What are your eyes looking at,you bad man?'' He got up from the bed,stood behind,with one hand moved her hair from her neck and started kissing her,and with the other hand he was squeezing her ass slowly,he was talking dirty into her ear ''Do you like...''he squeezed even harder,when she almost screamed of satisfaction,and he continue ''that?'' she smiled and bit her lip and said ''you know what I want...'' she turned towards him and looked him with smirk. He was about to kiss her again but she pulled back and escaped from his arms,and his lips. ''We need to go and wake up the boys.'' he hit the wall with his palms and said ''Yeah,you're right. Let's go.'' After that they went out of the room. But then they saw Roland and Henry having breakfast...or lunch? Regina looked confused at boys and asked ''When did you wake up?'' Henry got up from the dining table and said ''Well...after one hour. I made Roland and me a breakfast,we didn't want to wake you up.'' Robin hugged him and said ''It's okay buddy. And Roland...'' Robin spread his arms with hope that Robin will come into them,so that he can raised him into air,but Roland got up from the table and started running to Reginas arms and Robin said ''Really?'' he looked at Regina with jealousy look and said ''Okay,okay Roland...I won't forget that!'' Robin teased his little son and Roland said looking at Regina while she was holding him ''But,papa...I love Gina too! She is so gentle.'' Regina smiled and said ''Yes,Robin...I'm gentle.'' Regina said that with nice look but Robin,I mean he is a man after all,he was thinking all wrong! ''You are a great mom.'' Henry hugged her too and said ''I'm so sorry, I was a real brat back then,when Emma came...I should've been better to you.'' She gave him motherly look and said ''It's alright Henry,I was the Evil Queen back then,I have done a real bad and terrible things,I deserved that.'' Henry hugged her even tigher ''Yeah,but everyone needs to feel love...And I was the only thing that you loved...I was so spoiled I wasn't a good son.'' Regina shaked her head and said ''No,no were,and you are perfect! Please,don't blame yourself! I love you...'' he smiled and said ''I love you too mom!'' after that Roland said with little voice ''Me too Gina! My papa loves you too...very much!'' Robin and Regina smiled very nicely with such fondness and Regina started crying. She was so happy bc she have them. Her beautiful sons and her soulmate,her perfect match. ''Don't cry Gina...'' Roland wiped her tears with his little hands and she said ''Little one,those are tears of happiness.'' she smiled after that,and looked at Robin who came closer to her and kissed her forehead.'' After that family,touching moment Regina and Robin had breakfast and Regina heard her mobile phone ringing. It's Emma. ''Hello?'' Said Regina and Emma said ''Hey Regina,how are you? Was your trip okay? How is it in New York?'' Regina couldn't say anything bc of Emmas questions but then she said ''Wait,wait! Calm the hell'm okay.''Regina answered,and Emma said to Tink and Snow bc she was with them ''She's okay,you can breath now!'' Regina rolled her eyes and continued ''The trip was fine,and well it's raining here.'' ''DID YOU HAVE YOUR TIME WITH HIM?!'' Regina heard Tink screaming on the other side of the line and Regina shouted quietly ''Calm her down Emma! I hope didn't hear her!'' And then Regina heard other,very familiar voice ''No one heard her. You're safe Regina.'' Regina said to Emma ''Really? You're all there? Look,girls I need to go...'' ''No,no, no! Regina,we just called you!'' Tink said with said voice and Regina said ''You're acting like it's end of the world...We will hear each other,but now I have to go.'' And Emma answered her ''Alright Regina. Bye!'' ''Bye'' And that was the last thing with what Regina end up the call. The rain has stopped and Robin came to Regina and asked her ''Would you like to go for a walk? Henry and Roland are coming with too...'' Regina looked at him and answered ''Okay,but make sure that they have warm clothes.'' He smiled bc he thought that her concern for the boys is just adorable and he said ''You are going to be wonderful mother to our children.'' and that put a bright smile on her face. After they all got dressed up,they went out of the room. Now they were at reception. Roland and Henry were running and playing all the time,even when they went out of the hotel. ''Henry watch out!'' Regina shouted,Robin thought that the whole New York could hear her and he said ''Calm down darling...and relax. Everything is going to be fine,nothing will happen. Let them enjoy.'' Regina inhaled and exhaled and then Robin took her hand into his and moved her closers to his body and she said ''Okay.'' as they were walking down the streets of New York city,Henry and Roland came to some fountain and they started splashing each other with water. They were smiling and laughing like crazy,but then Henry accidentally Regina. One minute they were all looking at her 'angry' face but then she started splashing them too. Now they were all laughing. Regina almost fell down to fountain but Robin catched her and said ''my clumsy queen.'' he kissed her and they both smiled and she said ''How much I love you Robin.'' he whispered ''Not as much as I love you.'' After that they continue with walking. ''It's so great papa! I like being here!'' Roland shouted,and Henry was smiling all the time and said ''Me too! We shold move here!'' Regina said loudly ''Oh Henry,what will Emma say?'' Robin looked at Regina very nicely and said ''Regina,would you like that?'' Regina strangely looked at Robin and asked ''What?'' And then Robin continued ''Would you like to live here? With me,Roland and Henry?'' Regina gave him little smile and said ''You're serious?'' he shaked his head and said ''100% I'm sure...we could start new life here. You,me,boys,and well...our,dog...neighbors,backyard with playground and garden.'' she smiled with such happiness,she almost started crying when she asked him ''Do you really want that? You really want to have all that with me?'' he shaked his head and said ''I want everything with you Regina! I want you!'' and she kissed him so hard. Roland and Henry were looking at their parents and Henry thought ''she finally has her happy ending'' After that Henry smiled. After 15 minutes of walking they all went to hotel. Regina and the boys sat on the couch in the reception room and she said ''Roland be still.'' she said as she was cleaning Rolands dirty face. ''Okay,now it's okay...'' Regina was sitting with the boys and Robin as they were drinking coffee. Everything was going so well,perfect until Regina felt someones hand on her shoulder. That voice was too familiar too her. Regina turned around and stayed in shock and after a while she said ''Mother!'' Cora smiled and said ''That's right's me.'' Cora hugged her and said ''I've missed you my daughter.'' Henry and Robin was looking at Cora,while little Roland didn't know whats going on around him. ''You are supposed to be dead!'' Regina said in annoyed tone and Cora looked at surprisingly and asked her ''Well...Rumpelstiltsking brought me back from the dead,It's a quite tangled story...'' Regina said with higher voice ''Why didn't you call me?! I thought you're dead!'' Cora took her daugherts hand and said ''I coulnd't...I was sent here after he brought me back...I can't go back to Storybrooke,and neither can him...or your sister.'' Regina shouted ''WHAT THE HELL?! WHY ARE YOU ALL HERE!?'' And Regina heard a familiar voice behind her and she knows that that's ''Yes,we are,dearie!'' Rumpelstilitskin! One,and only! ''Hello,sis...'' Said Zelena as she and Rumpel was walking towards her. Robin got up from the couch and came to Regina with protectively look and arms on her waist he said ''If you came here to ruin...!'' Zelena interruped Robin and said ''No,no...we didn't came for that. We just wanted to see her.'' Cora smiled and she was about to cry of happiness bc she finally saw her daugher ''I don't want to harm you Regina...I'm sorry if you think that,but I've missed you so much!'' Rumpel said after her ''we wanted to have a little reunion.'' Zelena walk towards Regina and said ''It's hard for me to admit,but you were right...Revenge isn't the answer. So,truce?'' Zelena extenden her hand to Regina in the name of truce. Regina was looking strangely at her and said ''Are you three doing some prank on me? I mean,Zelena,you wanted to kill me!'' Zelena rolled here yes and shouted ''That was before! I know that I made a mistake! And Rumpel and Cora know that...that's why we're here...To make up for that,to you!'' Regina was still doubting her words and she said ''You're strange.'' Zelena smiled,but that wasn't wer wicked smile and Regina continued ''I mean I woulnd't recognize you...without green skin and flying monkeys all around...'' Zelena rolled her eyes and said ''Yes, still have that your precious sarcasm.'' Regina gave her a little annoyed smile as she was looking at Cora ''Well...I probably got that from our mother'' Regina moved her look at Rumpel and said ''and bc I spent so much time with him.'' They all gave her a little,but nice smiles and Regina turned and said ''Well...I have my own family now. Roland,Henry and...Robin.'' Regina smiled with all of her heart and said ''I love them and they never hurted me like you...every one of you have hurted me so much,I don't know will I ever forget that!'' Cora said with weakness ''But,we are family!'' Regina shouted ''Family doesn't do what you have done! I remind you,mother,what have you done to Daniel...and you Rumpel you are nothing better...'' Rumpel interruped her and said ''I was at least the one who choosed you!'' Regina shouted ''Yes,for casting a curse! You were just using me to cast that curse so you can find your son! I know everything.'' Cora and Rumpel were ashamed and now,for the first time they realized what they have done. How much demage they have caused to Regina and Regina said ''And you Zelena,I were all about how you're going to kill me,bc you were jealous at me?! Great excuse,really!'' Now,for a moment they were all quiet but then Regina asked them ''So,you want to be family again? Show me! Let me believe what you're saying right now...and believe me,if you try to hurt me,but most importantly them!'' Regina looked at Henry,Roland and Robin,as she continued ''You will have problems...Bc in this world,outside of Storybrooke I have something that you don't...'' Zelena looked at Regina very strangely and said ''Magic?'' Regina smiled and said ''That's right I have!'' The three of them were terrified and then Zelena said ''I meant everything what I said.'' Cora said after her ''Me too Regina,I really want you to came back to we can start over,forget the past and be a family.'' Regina looked at Rumpel and he said ''Me too,indeed dearie.'' Regina shaked her head and she said ''Okay then...We will try that but I swear to you! Do something to them,and you're all dead!'' After that Robin took children and they all went into their room.


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