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Disclaimer: The events written here happened after the reign of King George Alexander Louis Windsor (son of Prince William and Kate Middleton Duchess of Cambridge), the names and affairs of the Windsor Family in this story are all fictitious.

The Windsor Family in the present is the reigning British Royal Family, the third family to ascend the throne after The Tudor Line which ended with Queen Elizabeth I (daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn)


I woke up like any other ordinary day of my freaking ordinary life.

I was in my large messy bed, with a hot stranger with red hair, dark eyeliner and fantastic bosom. Dear God.

She twisted and turned under the sheets, it seemed to me, she was about to wake up. I stared at her, now that her makeup was off, I noticed her freckles. They were adorable in some way. I was not into freckles but I thought they looked good on her.

"Good morning, sexy." she said. She opened her mouth and I remembered the amazing things she did with it (if you knew what I meant).

"You were exceptional." I said to her. She smiled and kissed me on the mouth. She was really a very good kisser.

"Do you say that to all the girls you fuck?" she began to straddle me. She was still naked and I saw how her white smooth skin reflected the sunlight.

She was so freaking hot.

"You have to go." I told her. I saw how surprised she was with what I just said. She was not expecting it.

"What did you say?"

"I said you should leave. I only sleep once with a girl-no matter how hot she is." I pushed her away and started to get up from the bed, which had a distinctive scent of our escapade from last night.

"Give me a minute, I'll make you change your mind." she said pulling me back to her arms. She began to kiss me again. She travelled her lips from my neck to my chest and those kisses gave a tingly sensation on my fingers. She was starting to convince me. But I kept my cool and held her arms with both hands.

"Lucy, stop." I said rather harshly.

"It's Jennifer."

Bugger, I was so bad with names.

"Well, Jennifer. Please put your clothes on and le-"

I was not able to finish what I wanted to say because she slapped me.

"You're a douche bag." she said.

"That's what they all say but they sleep with me anyway." I stood up and touched my cheek. I felt a slight pain when I did. I knew I shouldn't have taken a redhead. They were wonderful in bed but they could be quite a handful.

She glared at me when I picked up her clothes and threw them at her. I did not care anymore how hot she was, I just want her gone.

She cursed me on her way out and I knew I would never see her again. Thank goodness.

I was about to close the door after her but I stopped when I saw a letter right at my doorstep. It was yellowish in colour and it had a red seal.

I didn't want to pick it up because I knew it was from them: The Family.

I sat and stared at it feeling conflicted inside as I decide whether I should leave it there to rot or take it and burn it to ashes and forget that it even got there.

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