Coming Out.

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Travis POV

"Ughh" i muttered underneath my breath while printing out church flyers for my farther.

My father's busy in his office so I have too do all the work around the church today. With the help of my mother of course.

"Travis don't be so childish! It's just some flyers. You'll be done in no time!" My mother said while stacking books carefully onto the oak bookshelf across the room. The room was small and painted a light shade of grey. It had a dark oak wooden floor and a white scruffy rug in the center of it. They're is a big black chair placed near too the big old bookshelf beside the door. It was my dads chair. He never let anyone sit in it. Not even his own wife.

"Sorry mom."

"It's fine, your lucky your farther didn't hear that."

"Can we please not talk about farther right now."

"Whatever Travis, just behave please. I don't want you too get hurt."

I sighed while grabbing the freshly printed flyers and placing them on the small table beside me.

"Whatever mom."

Sure my mom can be stubborn at times but I do love her ever so dearly. I don't know what I would've done without her.

"I'm done mom."

"Goodboy, now can you do me a favour and go too the store for me. We need milk."

"Sure mom"

"Thank you!! They're should be a dollar on the kitchen counter near the fruit bowl."

I walked too the kitchen and grabbed the dollar from the counter. I walked towards the shoe rack and grabbed my neon green shoes and quickly slipped them on.

Time skip

I arrived at the store and searched for the milk. While I was walking up too the dairy section I spotted two familiar boys. Larry and sal. My heart froze.

"Shit.." I whispered

It looks like they were arguing over what cheese too buy. Classic metal heads.

I quickly pulled up my hood and approached the milk fridge.

"Gosh.. I hope they don't see me."

A couple of days prior too this me and Larry got into a fight because I called his small little blue friend a f*g. I was just stating the obvious?. People are so sensitive these days.

I was arguing with Larry about what cheeses too buy when suddenly I spotted a familiar boy. Travis Phelps. It's hard not too recognise him when he's wearing that purple puffy jacket. He was wearing his hood for some reason? It must be raining outside or something. He looked like he was in a rush.

"Hey.. is that Travis?" I asked while pointing too the purple coated boy at the milk fridge.

"Yeah probably, I don't think I've ever saw anybody else wear that ugly ass coat before so it would be a surprise if it wasn't him. Why do you care anyways?."

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