"For how long? Until it starts to hurt again?" He sighs, rubbing his eyes as sakura yanks his hand away. "It's a matter of time please let me just but it back on." Sukuna almost pleas. Sakura hesitates, and looks at the blindfold.

"A few more minutes, you need to learn how to handle without it." Sakura repiles, getting a sigh of giving up from sukuna. "Besides, I want to know why you chose Daniel of all the newbies." She adds, changing the subject almost straight away. Sukuna pauses, and looks at Daniel, thinking it through, knowing the others don't like him being here for whatever reason.

"Because he wasn't a high risk? He was just a carefree newbie, decent skills and that, and no hidden ablities like most." Sukuna repiles, catching sakuras attention, although she doesn't believe all of what he says. "He isn't anyone like the rest, he's genes and DNA all are merely human, not like the others." Sukuna points out. "What we was at one point." He adds, leaving sakura in disbelief.

"Exactly, what we was. Now? Who knows what we are anymore." Sakura mutters, tossing the blindfold back to sukuna, who grabs it and stands there, spotting the chains leave his legs, and go back to sakura, staying loosely on her shoulders and neck. "Stop dwelling on the fact we used to be normal. We aren't anymore." Sakura warns. Sukuna stays quiet, clenching his blindfold more. "Get mad all you want, chasing a impossible-" sakura  gets cut off suddenly, as sukuna shakes his head and steps forwards.

"What? A impossible goal? I know we're never going to be human again, after all we're just freaks of nature aren't we?" Sukuna snaps, putting his blindfold back on. "keep ramming that to me I dare you, I know we aren't human, and I don't care if we are or not. What I care about is to sustain what I don't have anymore in people who deserve it." Sukuna adds, not caring about raising his voice, making delta quietly listen as he pretends to be asleep.

Sakura doesn't waver, standing her ground as sukuna remains hesitant. "So what's your plan? After all we're experiments, super soliders, killers whatever you want to be known as."sakura repiles, getting just as frustrated. Sukuna grits his teeth and steps back, trying to not start anything.

"I want to keep his humanity. Is there a issue with that? For 28 fucking years we've been suffering, stripped of humanity, and yet you get mad at me for wanting to keep his?" Sukuna adds, wavering his arm to gesture at Daniel, who remains asleep. Sakura doesn't reply, and doesn't show her frustration.

"Do you two ever shut up?" Alpha asks, catching both of them off guard. "what? You woke me and Delta up, he heard everything." He adds, watching the two with no emotion, before clambering into ryus bed, covering him and her In his own duvet. "now, if you cared that much, you'll keep your trap shut next time. Sukuna can do whatever he wants, I don't Frankly care." Alpha pauses, looking at Delta, who doesn't move.

"But when it effects people I care about then it means something. Daniel is a human who cares? Your still human if you can hold morals." He mutters, hiding in the duvet, as sakura and sukuna remains shocked.

"Huh, for once the gremlin has a point. Whatever, im to tired for this shit." Sakura sighs, "whatever you do, don't forget we're your family not him." Sakura warns, walking to her bed and getting in, not saying anything else. Delta shuffles slightly, before staying still again. Sukuna stands there, not wanting to move, as he remains conflicted by his own thoughts.

What am I then? If I hold morals I'm labelled a human, yet ive killed so many people, does that make me human? Am I human if I don't shed a tear at others suffering? Sukuna looks around as he falls down and sits there, leaning against the wall, away from everyone, as he remains thinking, getting even more confused. Sukuna sighs, shaking his head before just hiding into his own bed.


"Oi, wake up." Ryu says, smacking sukuna against the head as he jolts and falls off of his bed, slamming his back on the floor. He curses quietly, whilst sakura and Delta just watch him. Alpha grabs his own arm, pulling his sleeve up, and muttering to himself, catching sukunas attention as he spots a massive claw mark going up his arm. Standing up, sukuna pushes past Ryu, who looks back at him with utter disgust, as sukuna leans down and grabs alphas arm.

"Wanna tell me what this is? It's a attack Obviously." Sukuna asks, dropping his normal tone, leaving alpha anxious. "Again, what is this?" Sukuna asks again, not knowing he's tightening his grip around alphas wrist.

".... It's nothing. Just a old scratch." Alpha repiles, shaking as he grabs sukunas hand, trying to make him let it go. Ryu and Delta remain tense, whilst sakura stands there. Daniel however leaves his own opinion away, sitting there minding his own business, although he would prefer to say something.

"Old scatch huh? Looks fresh to me." Sukuna spits back, yanking alpha down, looking straight at him though the blindfold. "You sure you didn't fucking get attacked again?" Sukuna adds, standing up and pushing alpha aback. Alpha stumbles and pauses, before looking away.

"Fine. I did, yesterday, by you." Alpha repiles, making everyone lose all of their ability to speak from mere Shock. Sukuna stands there and shakes his head away, whilst alpha pushes past sukuna who takes the push. "When you lost your shit I had to try and stop you, even though I am literally the fucking weakest here." Alpha spits, waving his hands around, looking at everyone with hate.

"Because your the fucking expendable one." Ryu taunts back, grabbing alphas collar and throwing him back. "Your here for Delta, otherwise you would probably be a fucking dinner." She adds, getting cut off by deltas fist ramming into her jawline, knocking her down, leaving sakura to stand between them both.

"Enough, you know she doesn't fucking mean it. Their watching karma, you want to be put under solitary again?" Sakura warns, hiding her worry behind frustration. Delta just looks back at her, and shakes his head flipping sakura off before walking to alpha, helping him back up.

"Just because she's got no fucking family here doesn't mean she can toss Alex around! I'm sick of it already! That's what the pet is for!" Delta yells, making Daniel glance over, with his usual shine in his eyes gone. Sukuna pauses, spotting it, worried. Sakura just tuts, grabbing Ryu and leaving the room.

"It's fine karma. Don't sweat. My body is used to being thrown around." Alpha repiles, gently pushing Delta away, before getting grabbed back.

"Shut up. If sukuna can worry about that pest, I can worry about my actual brother." Delta repiles. "Sakura cares about everyone here and yet he's to fucking blind to see that he's just making us suffer more." Delta adds.

"No actually. Their ramping up everyone's tests, afterall, we have the test to see if our group get sent to the survivors." Sukuna points out. "Remember what Ryu says idoit. Your their favourite so you'd better keep that reputation if we have the main plan to actually fucking work." Sukuna adds, pausing as he remembers Daniel.

"Don't worry, can't say anything, I'll get killed." Daniel sighs, laying back down, as sukuna remains unsure, but says nothing more.

"Fine, but you'd better understand our hirerachy omega." Delta warns, staying quiet.

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