Chapter 1: Part Two

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forgive me, i am sinning again

It was at that moment my mind had found it self come to a holt. The noise behind me of villagers singing, the shallow sound of tapping shoes, the laughing from inside joke has all blurred out. I tore my glance up from my feet to take a better look at their face. What i saw had most certainly matched the description of an emo; black hair, just a little frizzy from the puff of it, but overall it fit his features well (i am gonna guess the eyes? i think grey has black eyes🤔) they matched perfectly with their dark eyes. The clothes he was wearing was that impressive though, i do have to admit. They were rags with a fair amount of holes in them, matching with the torn up pants. His boots all muddy and ripped, it only made me think of all the hardships he had to go through.

"Selling wood.." i mumbled underneath my breath, ah.. That must have been quite hard, sometimes family businesses are harsh on the children. The work made for adults were quickly passed to their hairs. It made me furious about how such child labor has been around since the tragedy. The pain, sweat, and tears they had to go through just to make a living. Maybe i am overthinking this, all these thoughts just from a couple of rags? How abhorrent for me to make such assumptions!

"Ah hello there! I've came to buy some fire wood for my Mama and I." I replied to his previous question, giving a light smile. My nerves were building up and i found myself wondering if the weather was gaining heat. Why hadn't talking to any of those villager been this difficult?

"Oh! Of course! How much would you like today, young lady?" He beemed, i would have never thought someone would be this interested in selling wood. Maybe everything i said was indeed incorrect, Maybe he truly liked selling this wood here.

"Ah!" Damn! i had forgotten to ask Mama how much wood i had to order! uhhmmm....

" thirt- no. Uh yes twenty-fiv- no. OH! forty please!" I said all once in a desperate, nervous jumble. Oh this was getting worse my the minute, how am i possibly going to carrie this back with me?

"forty? for a young miss don't-cha think that will hurt your back?" The young man replied in a skeptical voice.

I don't want to embarrass myself by sounding "are you being a misogynist! don't underestimate a young women, sir." I abnegated against. Oh just shut up i thought to myself. Mama said to make a good impression!

Just when i thought he was going to just spit in my face for making such a discriminating remark, i heard laughter. Slowly opening my eyes, i saw the Fire wood boy clutching his stomach has hard as he could, tears brimming his eyes. "Me? a misogynist? I am so sorry miss, but i am quite the opposite!" He roared on in laughter.

"Please, you're you last customer, so allow me to have my pride and help you carry your fire wood to your Mama." he giggled.

Looking around i saw the sun was setting, while it got chiller by the second. Lastly, i glanced back at them.

"Fine, just because it's getting dark. But please have the dignity to tell me your name before you walk a lady home!" i stared in the most assertive way i could muster.

"The names Grey, Grey Ponce." He stuck out his hand, suggesting for me to grab it. "And what may your name be?" he asked.

Puffing my cheeks out i replied rather quickly, "Kate, Kaitlyn Mihalik." just then i reached out my own arm to grab his, giving it a slow, but firm  handshake. A quick zap shot up my arm, so in natural instinct i jumped back with my cheeks flushed far more than from supper. With his ruff jugged hand from constantly dealing with wood, it was obviously i thought his hands would be cold. But the second our hands meet i was quickly proven wrong. Their hands, were warm.

"Gee! Awe whatever let's go before Jesus comes back!" I yelling back already starting to move my pace towards the trail that leads me home. Behind me, a fairly tall Grey quickly grabbed his stand and started running towards me, wheeling his stall behind him.

"Heyyy! KATES wait up!"

"KATES? SHUT IT DEGENERATE MALE!" I squealed. Ah! when Marie learns how i've been treating this man she is going to do angry!

But once again he just started laughing again, "Okay okay my lady. But you already know i will call you that just to tease you."

ugh men.

"Yeah yeah!" i said catching my breath, Grey standing besides me. "Man! even with all the farm work i do, i am terribly unfit!"

"Hop in with the wood! I'll push ya!" Grey said while pointing his thumb towards himself.

"No-!" I tried to say before getting cut off my the Fire Wood kids arm rapping around my torso, throwing me over his shoulder.

" Hey what are you doing?! Let me down at once!" i tried to yell while punching his back. But instead i was just gently put down next to a pile of fire wood. Then, they started walking again.

"It would take forever if i just waited you to catch up you know!" He giggled lightly.

I just sighed, complying was sometimes necessary. Plus, getting to sit down the entire way back really was nice. With nothing else to do, i turned my head over and looked at the sun set. The ombré of pinks, yellows, oranges, and purple quickly calmed my nerves. I thought talking to people would be horrendous, but i think Mr. Fire wood is started to prove me wrong. Taking me home this really was a kind thing to do. "Thank you, Grey." I praised very quietly, so quiet the the point he couldn't hear over the sounds of rolling wheels.

"Hey grey.." i asked slowing trying to calculate the words i would say next. Pink spreading over my cheeks i continued, "Say, do you adore the sun set as well?"

The stall came to a sudden stop as i froze. Had i said something wrong?

"The sun set? Yes i do." i glanced over to the sky then back at my face. "I used to come to a very tall hill to rest after a longs way of work back when i was a kid."

I felt my eyes widen.

"Sometimes hard labor is harsh on the body, it gets you all jittery you know?" he said. "Do you have a reason for adoring the sun set?" They queried, instantly changing the mood to something more up beat.

I let my lips curve into a smile, but deep in my heart was hollow. My assumptions were correct, truly it stung. I had hoped to be proven wrong, just this once i had wanted to be wrong.

"Yes, as a child the tragedy had killed off my family, and since then i always found my nerves spiking up. The calm pastels of the sky reminds me they are there looking out for me. The cool breeze tickling my face is their laughter and encouragement asking me to move on." i smiled. Many of my family members weren't the best, but i had few that ment the world to me. Kayla, Tim, Savana, Father, Kerri and some more.

#cuethedramaticmusic 💔🥀

Closing my eyes and turning my head towards grey, the wind blow my plum color hair away from my fragile face i let out one of the most genuine smile i had every made after the tragedy.

Taking aback they let out a small blush and a tiny giggle. "That was a lovely story." He smiled, "Let's get you home, Kates."

"Ah, yes. That would be nice." I laughed.

Maybe just this one wouldn't be bad.

UGHHHH I AM SORREY THIS OS SO BAD LMAO WELP...forgive me again sorry this is like 1400 words? i could have done more but i didn't wanna drag the story on too much.

Why was it so serious this time😒

omg i'm crying help

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2021 ⏰

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