Chapter 7: Caden Knows

Start from the beginning

                The boy smiled at me and said "Who are you?"

                "I'm Justin."

                The boy just continued to smile and said "Do you know were sissy went?"

                "No, I don't I was just looking for her as we-"

I started to say before I was cut off by Marv who came to the door with a large smile. "Justin! Oh good! We need to talk!"

I sighed and nodded, I forgot I was supposed to talk to him. "Yea, okay." I said with a forced smile.

"It's been awhile hasn't it boy? How's your father?" Marv asked politely.

"He's over with Night's pack, they are having some issues with an unknown being and they seemed pretty stressed. The alpha's son seems to be taking care of the issue more than his father." I said.

"That would be Logan right?" Marv asked.

"Yup, he's doing a pretty good job dealing with it so far, especially for being so young. But my dad says his mind has been preoccupied with mating troubles."

"Ah yes he is only 21! And who is his mate?"

"A human." I answered uncaringly, I wasn't so found of the werewolves over on the east side of the country, and they were so old school. Having a human mate to them was like a death sentence, it wasn't accepted there. Which I thought that way of thinking was medieval.

"Ah." Marv said with understanding. He walked into the living room and sat on the chair, I sat on the other chair opposite him facing the fireplace. "Well that was what I was going to talk to you about. Your dad contacted me a few days ago and asked me if I knew what type of creature that could drain blood, shred, and murder a person. I didn't, and neither did he, so I thought I'd ask you." Marv said.

I thought quietly trying to run my brain through anything that could do all those things, but I couldn't. But it could be demons. "It could be demons, well not actually demons, more like magical creatures that sold their souls to the devil."

"What?" Marv asked confused.

I looked at him and smiled, "It was a book I read once, werewolves, vampires, witches, etc, they would sell their souls to the devil for more powers or in exchange for something else. But of course their chemical makeup would be messed up and they become demons in their own right." I said trying to gather my thoughts.

"Oh really, I haven't heard of that before."

"Yes, well it's a myth, not something that has been proven before. I would think the draining blood would be a vampire demon, while let's see shredding? A witch maybe with healing powers, some witches can reverse the healing effect right?" I asked.

"Yes." He said confirming my thoughts.

"Well that's what it could be, but it's a big IF. This is a whole myth, but yet again we are a myth as well and we are as real as day." I said with a smile on my face.

"That is true." Marv said pondering the thought.

"Oh Marv, how is your house guest? Anyone asking questions?" I asked.

"No, they seem to be blissfully ignorant. I mean who would actually be okay having werewolves living in their backyard." Marv said with a smile. Then I heard something crash, I turned around and saw that little boy who answered the door gaping at us shocked, a plate of cookies now at his feet, smashed and broken. Shit. Marv looked panicked, like a deer caught in head lights, so he wasn't going to help me out in this.

I sighed, got up and walked towards the little boy and smile brightly at him, "What's your name?" I asked.

The boy just looked at me and said "Werewolves, werewolves live in our backyard!" he screamed, his toddler voice making his sentence sound more like gibberish, but I understood what he was saying.

"What do you know about werewolves Caden?"

"How do you know my name!" he screamed looking scared and started to cry.

"Your uncle Marv here told me." Which wasn't true, I just did a background check on Skyler, and of course I would find out who her brother was. The boy still looked scared, so I just repeated what I had said before. "What do you know about werewolves Caden?"

"Sissy said they are half man and half wolves!" he cried out. "She said they kill bad people." He said tears still streaming down his face.

"Well Caden," I said, deciding that if I was going to mate with Skyler Caden mind of as well know the truth, even before she did. "those stories about werewolves aren't true. Werewolves are good creatures." I said with a smile.

"No that's a lie! Skyler said they kill people, she never lies." He screamed.

"No Skyler does not lie, but those are the bad werewolves that kill werewolves. Like there are bad people and good people in the world there are also bad and good werewolves."

The boy looked at me with big eyes and said "Really?"


Caden smiled but then frowned, "Skyler also said they aren't real."

"Skyler thinks that, she doesn't know the secret, okay? It's a secret, so don't tell her. It's a secret between you and me."

"Oh okay! Can I tell my mommy?" he asked.

"No! Don't tell anyone, it's a man's secret, do you want to protect your mommy and sister?"

"Yes! Yes I do! I'm the man in the family!" he said with a proud look.

I nodded and smiled. "We keep this to ourselves. Pinky promise you won't tell anyone." I said and held out my pinky.

The boy smiled and nodded and linked his pinky in mine. "Promise! I'll protect my mommy and sister! I'll protect them!" he said with a laugh.

I nodded and smiled and watched him skip off. "Justin why didn't you deny it?" Marv asked from behind me.

I turned towards him and smiled. "They'll know eventually." Marv still not understanding but unwilling to go against me just smiled and nodded.

"Marv I'm going to go now. I'll see you later." I said and walked out of the house and ran into Skyler, her blue eyes staring at me as though they could see into my soul. I frowned slightly, knowing that her eyes looked so sad because of me.

"Hello Director, what are you doing here?" She asked looking at me oddly.

"I was here to talk to Marv." I answered coldly not wanting to leave soon so I didn't have to look into her sad eyes.

"Oh alright." She said and walked past me, leaving me to bask in her sent.

Skyler's POV:

I walked past him and walked towards the stairs, but when I heard him leave I ran into my room at full speed and opened the door to my room and slammed it behind me and jumped on my bed. I looked up through the window at the ceiling and sighed. All I could think of was Justin's eyes and Leo's smile. I screamed in frustration and pulled a pillow over my head and continued to scream.

I Love You is a Horrible Thing to Say: A Tale of Two MatesWhere stories live. Discover now