2/Welcome to Hawaii

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5:00 "girls like you hang out with guys like me..." Mckeyla got jerked out of her sleep, why did she have to have a radio alarm clock she absolutely hated this song she turned the radio off quickly she slipped into her clothes her phone buzzes Kyle" hey where you going for your holidays?" Mckeyla typed back " Hawaii" Grabes her bag and run down to the car where her mum's waiting Maddy was standing at the front door "bye Maddy" Mckeyla gives her a hug and jumps into the car and they're off to the airport to meet the others. finally they drive up to a big building the airport Mckeyla Sees bry and cam standing there waiting Mckeyla grabs her suitcase hugs her mom and rushes of to them "hey guys" she shouts "hey M" they say "oh look there's Ember " says Bryden Ember comes running up to them " sorry I had some last minute packing to do" Mckeyla smiles " that's alright Devon and adri aren't here yet so your not late" Ember looks relived and cam points out that adri and Devon are coming soon they were all in the plane it was a lovely view of the clouds the little villages and cities but soon they had all fallen asleep.
Mckeyla was the first one to wake up as they landed in Hawaii " guys wake up" she shook adri who was the closest to her " we here already?" Bryden asked Mckeyla nodded and together they stepped of the plane and passed through security "hey you must be Mckeyla" said a voice Mckeyla spun around to see a woman in her twenties smiling at her "oh h-hi" she answered "I mean yes" Mckeyla looked around "oh and this is Bryden,
Camryn,Adrienne,Ember and Devon" they all smiled in turn "well" said the lady " as you probably already know I'm agent Bosch c'mon let's go to the car" the girls all followed her to a large Land Rover and they were of to the hotel were they would be staying for the next few weeks.

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