Heavenly Hell

121 11 18

Deep inside, Sungjae knows well that Ilhoon didn't like being treated like property that had to be guarded because he could be stolen at any time. But he couldn't help it. Not when Sungjae wasn't sure what that boy felt for him.

Not when the only things which keeps them attached right now are sex and money.

What if one day Ilhoon woke up and realized that Sungjae was not the only rich man who was willing to give up everything just to keep him by his side? What if Ilhoon found someone younger, more attractive, and can please him better?

Or worse, what if Ilhoon fell in love with someone else? What if—

"Stop it!" the half-whispered hoarse voice of someone in his arms snapped Sungjae to reality. The boy in his arms didn't move, but from his breath Sungjae could tell he was awake.

"What?" asked Sungjae while stroking his lover's hair.

"That. Whatever happen in your head, stop it! It's too loud."

A chuckle escaped from Sungjae's mouth. He is still stroking Ilhoon's hair and kissing it softly before he whispered, "I'm sorry."

For a few moments, they both fell silent. From his current angle, Sungjae couldn't look at Ilhoon's face so he couldn't read his expression. The older man also wondered what was in the boy's tiny head which seemed to be daydreaming.

This is so confusing.

Sometimes Sungjae wish he could enter that tiny head, reading what was there, and find a way to find the answer of his biggest question: "Does the feeling mutual?"

To be honest, the love confession hanged on Sungjae's tongue so many times, but no, he couldn't say it, not now.

Not when they both sober.

He didn't want to make Ilhoon freak out and then run away and end all this. Hell, the realization that Ilhoon might not share the same feelings made Sungjae nervous.


"What if I divorce Sohyun?" and yes, the stupid question then slip from his mouth.

Then what? You want to marry Ilhoon? You think he wants you the way you want him? Are you fucking insane, Yook?

It takes a moment before the smaller reply, "Will that affect your business and life? I mean, if something bad happen to you, it would affect my life too, you know."

See? Of course Jung Ilhoon will think about himself first. What do you expect, Yook?

"Tch. All you care about is my money, don't you?"

"Of course, that's why I'm here in the first place. I told you million times," Ilhoon said it coolly, seemingly unconcerned that now Sungjae is staring at him with a hurt look. "So, what would you do next? Finding another woman to cover your true self?" he then added, still not facing Sungjae.

The older man then let out a long sigh before replying, "You know I don't care anymore about that shit."

"Should I prepare myself? As soon as the news of your divorce gets out, my name will definitely get caught up in the headlines. You know people around you know about us, right?"

"Cherry, trust me. I won't let anyone touch or hurt you. You know I can do anything to destroy anyone that I want, don't you?"

Sungjae didn't know what was in his sentence that caught Ilhoon's attention completely. The boy in his arms suddenly raised his head, looking at Sungjae with a gaze that was difficult to interpret. There was a different flash in those pretty eyes, but Sungjae failed to read it.

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