It Matters How It Ends

110 8 7

Sohyun can only stare blankly to the screen in front of her.

She has been hiding from the world since the night when the news of her affair spread to the media. No one really knows who started it. But clearly, everything is getting out of control now.

When Sungjae and his team take an action, it was too late.

The scandalous news, following with scandalous photos, has spread throughout the Korean mass media, even internationally.

Also, seeing how structured the news spread, Sohyun was sure that there was someone behind all of this.

And she couldn't help but associate it with one name.

The only person she's been in conflict with lately.

That little devil.

But if it was true that this was her husband's mistress, how could the news spread so quickly and widely? It was certain that the little boy had influential people to help him.

Jung Ilhoon was no ordinary boy.

Sohyun had really underestimated him.

And now, she felt her world crumble.

Everything happened so fast.

Yesterday she was still everyone's sweet heart, and today she suddenly became the most hated figure.

She read every column of news commentary about herself. How people cursed, called her a cheap whore, and brought up her family name.

She is such a disgrace.

And as the days go by, the news that appears start out of control. Not only his affair scandal, Sohyun was also accused of gambling and tax evasion.

Oh fuck!

None of this would need to happen if only her husband could love her.

None of this needed to happen if Yook Sungjae at least tried to see her as a partner.

But no.

Whatever happened, the perfect man never glanced at her. Because it was clear, right from the start, he was not interested in women.

At first, Sohyun didn't mind. To her, the most important thing is that her career can run smoothly. She didn't believe in love anyway.

However, after that little devil called Jung Ilhoon appeared, Sohyun realized, the boy controlled her husband more than she thought.

And she was jealous.

Sohyun was jealous of the fact that that little boy who had nothing compared to her could have a Yook Sungjae.

Fuck love. Sohyun just wasn't happy she lost.

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