🍭cloud baby // shirakumo o.🍭

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words can't describe how much i love him omFG

words can't describe how much i love him omFG

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okay i'm good now, back to the fluffy dating + general shirakumo hcs

[just for quick reference, i know that most people don't know who shirakumo is. to be fair, he gets VERY limited screentime during both the anime and manga, and even in the vigilantes manga (which is a GREAT manga btw, i 100% recommend!! let me know if you want the link <3). anyways, he has a very out-going personality and was in a trio with yamada and aizawa. he is ALWAYS smiling and is so precious HE DESERVES ALL THE HUGS IN THE WORLD. that's the gist of it, now i'll FINALLY give those hcs]

 - He canonly loves sushi but cannot make any, even if his life depends on it

 - Of course, with his go-getter attitude, that won't stop him from inviting his s/o over for a "dinner date" and romantically setting the house on fire while burning the water and breaking at LEAST 3 bowls and 2 cups

 - Pure chaos that his partner did NOT sign up for 😟

 - However, he has an indescribable talent for making insta-noodles and thus thrives off of them

 - No hairbrushes work on his hair, partially because they were designed for human hair and not for brushing clouds, and partly because he has great difficulty in maintaining his hair

 - He's definitely more of the type to go "eh, i'll leave it natural!" and then cry a few days later because he'd suddenly discovered a huge knot in his locks (?) tuffs (?) puffs (?) of hair

 - This doesn't mean he doesn't have GOD-LIKE HYGIENE tho

 - Shirakumo is an early bird who will very likely wake up the entire neighborhood at 7 am because he's singing loudly in the shower

 - He also can't play an instrument for the life of him 💀

 - Yamada tried his very best to get him into it, but Shirakumo just has absolutely no sense of tempo whatsoever

 - Like he'll be playing the saxophone and mess everything up, and then say he's "freestyling"

 - Yamada finds it amusing and Aizawa was wearing earplugs anyways so no one really complains

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