Small Info:

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You have been a part of the hearts pirates crew for the past year and a half but! There's a catch, you see:

You always wear a what seemed to be a gas mask (the one above) and never talked

As in! You never really talked.

So basically they know little about you

You're also a introvert, so they only see you when doing chores with them or when they walk past you in the halls.

The sub has 5 floors, three of them has a connected deck.

The fifth (lowest) floor has a deck and considered a 'main' deck, it has the storage room and navigation room.

The fourth is where the so called medicine room is along with the lounge room and the lab.

The third floor has a deck, the 'middle' deck, it has the main part like the infirmary and the gallery.

The second floors and up has the quarters.

The first floor ALSO has a deck, 'upper' deck, it has quarters as well and is usually used to see if there are enemies ahead.

Your room was on the first floor.

And knowing you, you rarely slept so there are small bags in your eyes.

The upper deck would be your Hotspot since no one, and I mean no one, goes there.

You also wake up around 10 or 11 am so you miss breakfast everyday (not that you ate breakfast anyways), but you finish all your jobs after lunch, so no one complained.

Your captain, trafalgar law, mostly looks for you around 9 am, and when they say you're still asleep, he would be secretly angry.

You had speculated, it's either he's annoyed by you, or just fussed that you finish so much work without eating breakfast and waking up late.

The secret to that is...... DETERMINATION.

just kidding, you're used to it ever since you were little to work the whole morning so that your afternoons would be a huge empty space and time.

Back to the information page:

Your room is small, but in your sense it's good.

Once you open the door to your room,

You have a bed on the side and is against the wall that has like those platform types and has cupboards.

And right in front of the door when you open it is a desk against a wall and a porthole above it.

Under the desk was a mini fridge since it's either you woke up feeling dry or you couldn't sleep and just wanted snacks.

Next to the door itself and on the foot of the bed, is your drawer full of clothes.

Not that you like dressing up but, you have lots of clothes.

And not to mention, the wall beside the desk was filled with at least 4 or 5 medium picture frames, na dthe rest? They're weapons.

From knives to shotguns.

No one knows what's inside your room, so.... Yeah.

And frankly, you don't want them to know either.

Reader is almost as tall as law, so no... Reader is tall.

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