Chapter 3: Salmon

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Axel POV:

I take a look out the window only to find a familiar face. "Sally?" I say to the mermaid in the water in front of me, "Axel?" She replies back. "Sally! Omg, how are you? Its been a while" "I'm good, and yeah its been some time since we've last seen each other i almost didn't recognize you". Both wilbur and tubbo gave me strange looks and started asking how i know sally. "Well me and sally are actually childhood friends. We became friends when we were around 6 or 7 years old, we haven't seen each other for a long time since her and her family left to sea when she turned 15" i explain to them. "But sally's a mermaid, did you two only like, talk to each other?" Asked tubbo, "wait, they don't know? Haven't you told them yet?" Sally asked me. "No. And i didn't plan to but you are friends with them, and since i know you its either i tell them now or you tell them since you can't really keep a secret" Sally put on a pouty face and protested but i quickly interrupted her before she could. "I don't get it, tell us what axel?" Said a confused goat boy. "Y'know what? Just get the others, ill explain it all" tubbo and wilbur nodded and walked off to gather the others. "All?" Sally said raising an eyebrow "well, not all of it, maybe just the axolotl bit since i don't really have a reason to tell them the rest. And also, I've only known them for like a few hours so i don't know if i can trust them yet" i said to her. "Ok, i get it. I promise i won't tell them about it since I'm a 'good' friend", i chuckled at the mention of 'good' only for her to ask what i thought was funny, "nothing, i just remembered something".

Time skip to when everyone was gathered at the main deck

Everyone was gathered on the main deck and i was a bit nervous since the only ones that know my species was sally and my farm chickens back at the cottage. I took a deep breath and thought to myself "its gonna be ok, most of these guys aren't even human so it should be ok, right?". After a while i was finally ready, i led the eight of them near the side where sally can be seen swimming in the water. "Ok, so tubbo asked how i knew sally and how me and her were able to hangout even though she's limited to the water. Ill make this short, 1 she's my childhood best friend, 2 we haven't seen each other for a long time since she and her family moved to sea and 3 i'm not human." The eight were surprised by my friendship with sally and even more with what i said last.
"Can you please elaborate on what you meant about not being human?" Asked phil. "Well, i think its best if i just showed you" after saying that i started to change my form revealing my pastel pink tail and gills, my hair also turned back to its rose pink color. The others were very surprised not expecting my form to change a lot. "Your an axolotl?" Asked niki, "Yep" "That's so cute!" She squealed. "So that's why you weren't afraid of being eaten by sharks" tommy said, "the child is correct" a smile growing on my face "Oi! I'm not a child bitch boy!" "Yet you always act like one" wilbur said. "So yeah, this is what i actually look like. So uhm, is it ok if i join you guys?" "that depends, is there anything your good at?" Asked puffy, "well lets see, I'm a pretty decent fighter, i can make potions and i can do some other stuff but i'd rather keep that information to myself" "well that settles then, your staying with us. We could use someone who knows how to brew potions" "so is there anywhere i can stay or do i go back to the storage room?" I jokingly said, this made some of them laugh a bit. After the laughter was done puffy asked tubbo to show me to where i would be staying, tubbo led me to a room that had two beds one was now mine. Tubbo told me that i would be sharing a room with someone as everyone shares a room except phil and puffy, i didn't ask him who it was since i was really tired and just wanted to sleep since i slept behind a wooden crate yesterday. I thanked tubbo for showing me to the room and told him you were going to sleep he nodded then left closing the door. Once i was alone i placed my bag on a table and took out my book. Since i still didn't want anyone to know about my magic i hid my book under my bed before lying down on my bed ready to fall asleep. "Oh how i missed sleeping on a bed" i whispered to myself. After a few minutes of just laying on the bed i finally started drifting away and falling asleep, i heard the door open and someone entering but i just ignored it and finally fell asleep while I'm hugging a pillow.

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