"No", "What I mean Is, I am sorry she fall for my charm and missed the precious gem beside her", "She must be blind I guess"

Mew huffed and backed at his seat, ignoring Gulf

"But think it like that, if I had not exposed her you would be married to a cheater, and who knows what she would do behind your back", "or......", "Maybe have done behind your back", "Who Knows"

"Then Why did you reach me out at marriage, not before that"

"Yaaa, I could have done that....", "Right??,"  he ruffled his messy bed hair, sorry floor hairs, "But hey, look at the positive side, hasn't it made it more memorable"  he beamed at Mew

Mew glared at him, is this guy for real, how getting a fiance who cheated and him being with broken marriage is memorable

"Are you dumb??"

"You mean 'D' for 'Dashing' Right??"

"No I really mean D for Dumb", " I can file a case of defamation on you"

Gulf huffed back, jeeze this guy, he is trying his best to be a cheer him up, but this guy doesn't want to get out of his gloomy state, it felt frustrated 

"Cool, I will file cases, of intruding, strangling me, and beating me, and...and... and... eating my food on daily basis" 

"I pay for the food" 

"Fine... I pay for the apartment"

"It is my apartment building"

"But ownership is on my name, I paid for this shit"

Mew, back up a little, why it is so hard to talk to him, "Don't cross path with me"

"And you don't lure around my apartment", "Go and cry over her place why me"

"I don't cry, I make them cry who betrays me",  and with that, he gets up to leave..

"What??" Gulf shouted back, wondering what has he done...

Mew came out of the apartment closing the door with force, he needs to know his weakness, he really wants to see him cry, he really does...


On the same evening, there was a knock on Gulf's door, Gulf looked at the clock, not again, not again, 

He put a pillow on his face and shouted out loud, no no no

The knocks continued, going loud and loud, Gulf reached at the door cursing because he knows who is behind the door,

 He truly has a pretty face, with a twisted personality

If you are heartbroken go to your fiance, eat her brain, make her cry, why me??, why??,

Is it my fault that I am lady magnet??, 

Is it??, Ohhh God why being handsome is a crime in this world, he fake cried internally but after being dramatic for a while finally opened the door.

And guess who is there smiling broadly, 

He is a jerk remember Gulf, he is a jerk with a pretty face..

"I got the treat" he showed the beer box in his hand, and with that, he stepped into apartment

"You are not homeless right??"

"I forgive you, we would celebrate", "I accepted your apology", he threw his shoes in midway, 

Ha Ha Ha Ha so I could make you drunk, and you will go crazy and let me know your darkest secret because people do that in a drunken state.. Right?, He Ha Ha Ha and I will blackmail you Ahhhhh what a perfect plan

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