Chapter 5 - Pain pain

Start from the beginning

"Whirlie! it looks like a whirlie!" she said and pointed towards the machine, Ruka giggles "That doesn't explain anything but you're cute so i'll give you a free pass" Ruka waited and waited until the machine beeped telling her that their laundry is done "nee-chan what would happen If I put Miya-san in the washing machine? will he be clean like Hachi's clothes?" she tilted her head in confusion and curiosity.

Ruka held in her laughter but it came out as a muffled giggle "No Hachi, but he'll be clean that's for sure 'and probably dead too'" she said and thought. "What the hell is taking this machine so long?!" she complained but saw the front desk was occupied with people, she sighed and sat down again, soon a new player has a arrived.

"Hana! Hachi!"

"Handa? what are you doing here?" Hayato was carrying a huge bag behind him with Taka on his shoulder that jumped down and decided to enjoy the free show, and by free show it's still the washing machine spinning around. "Im here to bake more cupcakes and some cookies while im at it, im here to do my frickin laundry what else would I be doing Kamitani?"

The boy rolled his eyes and went to do his own share of laundry "You live near here?" he asks as he sits down beside her, Ruka ofcourse nodded "The flat beside is where i live." Hayato was honestly surprised that she lives there at a luxurious looking flat but who is he to judge? even though he's surprised his face barely shows it

"Oh.. alright" he blankly replied as he starred at her "Nii-chan! I want candy!" Taka declared right as the two teenagers finished their laundry "No, you already got candy and you even ate my share of the candy too" he snarled at the toddler making him fiddle.

"I thought you din't like sweets? So why are you mad at him if he ate something that you don't like?"

"Well its still mine, and maybe i'll eat it. Years later probably"

"Years later the candy will expire you imbecile" she lectured harshly and they went to the flat which by coincidence is also Hayato's route way back home.

"Nee-chan i want candy too" Hachi gave her big sister a piece of her candy loving mind with a big and sad pout! "Wow, you're so young yet you already know you can cute your way into things huh?" She giggled as Hayato watched their interaction.

"Fine, the store is up ahead" Hachi's eyes lit up in glee as they approached the store "Kamitani, you've been starring at Taka like he's going to steal candy from the store, just buy him a piece or two" Hayato scoffs and shakes his head "The brat will end up just bothering me again, asking for more of them"

Ruka sighed a heavy one at Taka's saddened expression, he may be a handful sometimes, but all in all he's a good kid and he just lacks the attention from his brother "Taka, can you promise me you won't bother your big brother if I give you candy now?" she asks and knelt down to meet the toddler's height.

to her fortune Taka nodded, fiddling with his fingers and shuffling his feet. "I promise.." he said meekly as Hayato gave a look of disapproval "Just a few pieces, if he breaks the promise i'll make sure the ranger show is canceled, alright?" she gave the toddler a smile of one thousand meanings that freaked the poor boy and made him nodded in fear of his favorite show being canceled!

"Uwahh~ blueberry! blueberry! blueberry! gimme the fine blueberry nee-chan!" Hachi chanted as the four stood in front of a candy gacha machine "No worries Hachi, i'll get the blueberry one for you" she said and cracked her knuckles. "Now im starting to think you're going to steal candy, you're not planning to punch the machine are you?"

"What? No! i'd punch your face though" she said and pulled on the lever watching the many candies spin around, blue and red spun around and around making Hachimitsu twirl in her place "W-woah~ im dizzy" she giggled and tumbles, falling down on her butt. "Hachi, stop dancing to the candy machine, it's weird.." Ruka chortles at the antic and getting her sister on her shoulder.

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