10 her sickness

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chopper p.o.v

i was in the ship, doing my medical things and making medicines when i see luffy run into the room with y/n in his hands. 

"can you please look at her for me?" i hear luffy say desperately. i have never seen him so desperate. i nod and tell him to calm down. luffy puts her on the bed and i examine  her. my eyes go wide as i see the blue things on her face. 

this was serious. if they had come any more late they would have lost her. i look at them nervously and ask them to leave the room as i wanted to do closer inspection. i see a bullet in her abdomen.

 she was on the verge of death. i carefully take out the bullet from her abdomen and heal her wound. that was the first step. next i had to seal up her wounds. i close her other wounds and made sure the bleeding stopped.

 it looked like she got whipped. it worried me what she went through. next was the hardest part. telling the others about the blue thing on her face.

i opened the door and felt the tension on the ship. it mad me sweat. zoro had his eyes closed. he wasn't asleep. robin was reading a book but i could tell she wasn't focusing. nami was drawing her map but her lines weren't straight.

 ussop was making his sniping material but it wasn't accurate. sanji was in the kitchen cooking. i smelt burning coming from there but i wasn't worried about that. i was more worried about luffy. it was dead silent. luffy was sitting at his spot with his hat on his face. 

soon everyone noticed me and all of them saw my face and knew it was bad news. they weren't ready to hear the news but they all looked at me desperately. sanji came out and did what everyone else was doing. staring me down.

i was pressured and scared but i knew i had to tell them. i gestured all of them to come and sit down in the room with y/n. everyone eventually came, they were all gloomy.

" y/n is infected with a serious disease. she might now make it. there is a 50/50 chance she survives. there is no cure for her. we have to leave it to her immune power. there is nothing we can do about it." i spit out and hide behind the chair. i look at luffy and he just walked out of there. 

everyone else just stood there in silence not knowing what to do or say. i tried to break the tension but telling them there was still a chance but it was no good. they were all heart broken but they knew who they had to comfort the most.


everyone walked outside and stood next to luffy. he looked up and smiled holding back ears in his eyes. "dont be so sad. we know she will make it." he says trying to cheer everyone up. everyone knew he was hurting the most inside and they could help by lightning up  the mood.

"now thats our captain" sanji says.

"yea you got that right." zoro replies.

"oi i'm making food, come and eat." sanji says. i could tell he didn't want to eat but he didn't want to let his crew think he was sad. i was sure everyone knew that. they al just smiled and made their way to eat.

no-one's p.o.v

luffy and his crew continue on their journey, even though that misfortune happened. luffy would quietly cry when he was alone with y/n. it got a bit quite since that day but everyone tried to go back to how it used to be.

every day, chopper would check up on y/n to make sure nothing serious had happened. they landed island after island, waiting for y/n to wake up. days, weeks and soon a month passed by and still no sign of y/n waking up.

luffy and their crew get a new crew member named franky. now that they had a new ship y/n stayed in choppers lab. another month had passed and still no sign of her waking up. this discouraged everyone but luffy told them that she will wake up, one day.

y/n p.o.v

"where am i?" i say.

i look forward and see a lady. she looked familiar and next to her was... dad? what was going on. why can i see mum? why is dad here? is this a dream? 

i had so much questions in my head. i saw a kid next to them. that wasn't me. who was that? i take a step forward. i start running toward them. i hug my mom and dad. the kid looked at me and i hugged him too. even though i didn't know him...he looked like me? how come.

then it hit me and i suddenly remember. memories gush in my head. i had tears in my eyes. was that...my brother? 

~memory flash back from 4 year old me~

"mummy why is your tummy big? " i ask my mom holding her hand.

"you're going to be a big sister." she answers.

"really?" i ask excited. i touch her stomach and say hello.

"he'll come out soon you know?" my mum says.

"thats right. i can't wait." my father says excitedly. 

it was the day my mother was giving birth. i sat outside the room excitedly. i was going to have a little brother. soon my dad came out. his face was sad and stressed. 

"what happened daddy? where's my the baby?" i ask innocently. 

he just fake smiles and says. "you don't have one sweety" 

"why?"i ask pouting.

"you are too young to understand." he says and started crying. back then i was too young to understand.

~end of memory~

i come back to my dream crying so hard and see my mom dad and brother standing there. but why was my dad there? 

"why are you guys here?" i ask them.

"hello sweety. this is heaven. you were in a long sleep and when that happened your father passed away. we are always watching you from up here and telling your brother stories about you." my mother says. 

this brings tears to my eyes and i get on my knees. my mother and father hug me but soon they slowly start to fade away.

"mommy, daddy, brother dont leave me noo!"i shout.

"i am sorry sweety. your friends and boyfriend are waiting for you. you must head out now. goodbye" i hear my fathers voice and it fades away. 


~back to reality~

then i suddenly sit up tears pouring out of my eyes. 'noo' i wisper to myself. 





hey guys....author here. i hope you like the story so far. if you are confused, y/n suddenly wakes up after 2  and a half months. she has a dream about her family and in the time period she was sleep or unconscious her father died so her whole family was in heaven. she met them and it comforted her to know they were watching her. thats bacically what it was about.

peace = 1

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