8 confession

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luffy p.o.v

i wake up and go to the kitchen. everyone was already there.

"ooh sanjiii i'm hungry make some food."  i whine.

my eyes land on y/n. she was talking to robin and laughing. she notices me and smiles. i see a small blush on her. she gestures me to sit next to her and i do so.

"good morning" she says to me smiling.

"g-good morning" i answered. my heart skipped a beat. it felt weird. 

me and y/n talk and talk about normal stuff and about the next island. the food finally came and it tasted so good. after i was done i was full. 

i got up and went outside. y/n was already there as well as nami. 'thank it wasn't just me and y/n. i dont know what i would do to her.' i think.

"everyone! the next island is in sight." nami shouts.

"ooh ooh !" i say running up to where she was.

"finally" i hear y/n say.

nami goes inside to tell the others. 'oh no its only me and y/n alone'

"is there something wrong with that?" y/n asks me. she read my mind.again. i see her face and then i see she realizes what i meant and she turns back around looking forward. "

"i know what you mean now" she says going red. 

when we were younger this was nothing. but now why are we so...so weird around each other.

i couldnt help it anymore. i stepped back and hugged her. i never wanted to let go. but then y/n breaks free of my grip.  i look at her and say "i understand" i had just been rejected.

y/n p.o.v

i read luffy's mind again and i hear what he says. it makes me sad but then i realize what he meant. i started blushing. luffy was standing next to me. 'he's so close' i think.  then suddenly luffy hugs me from behind. i break free of his grip and i see he's sad. i did it so that i could hug him properly.

"hey luffy?" i ask.

"hmm"he answers. i feel his warm breath on my neck which sends chills down my spine. we finally part and i look into his eyes. 

"i think i like you. no scratch that, i love you y/n" i hear him say.

he looks away and i see him blush. it makes me laugh.

"i understand if yo-" i cut him off with a kiss. his eyes go wide, but he closes his eyes and kisses back. it was a long kiss. we parted and he looks at me with surprise. 

"i love you too"i say back. we stare into each others eyes for a while.

just then i hear clapping. i look at where it is coming from and i see everyone staring at us and laughing. they were all eating pop corn. i was so embarrassed and i hid my face. i look at everyone and see that zoro was smiling sadly.i didn't really understand why.

everyone came and jumped over me and luffy. we both laughed and that night we had a small food party. i still didn't know what all the fuss was about. but i had one more question to ask luffy.

"hey luffy?" i wisper "are we like...dating" i say the last word in a low voice since i was shy.

he takes this opportunity to tease me. "what do you think?" he says smirking.

"uhm...yes?" i say hiding my face.

he just laughs and says "so cute, yea we are" and it even makes him blush. we both laugh and is was soon night. 

soon we dock on the island. i look around and find a lot of food. i go to get some food.but then i feel a sudden pain in my abdomen and everything goes black.





hey author here..sorry this chapter is a bit small. i was very busy and had work to do. i hope you enjoyed.

peace =p

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