Ch 13- You Could Never Know

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I wake with a pain in my stomach. It's the 14th. Today is the day I'm meant to open Castiel's last gift.
I can't even bear to explain the pain I'm experience.
I believe every person gets one true love, and I've had mine. There will no one else for me.
What's the point in living, if you live without love?

Shaking, I reach over to the small drawer in my bedside table and pull out the small gift wrapped with tinsel and paper. Castiel has touched this. Castiel has put love into this. My Castiel. My Cas. My angel.

Turning it over, I pull the small piece of tape that secures the paper off. Slowly, I pull the bright paper off. This is not the time for brightness, I think. This is a time for terrible sadness and loss, this is a time for mourning. But this is a time I should be hugging him and loving him, this is a time I should be running my fingers through his black hair and kissing his forehead. Not opening a gift I was meant to open months ago.
Inside the wrapping is a velvet box. Inside that box is a ring. Inside the ring are the words enscribed, "you could never know."
A letter, with his neat tiny handwriting is inside. Tears already pouring down my face, I begin to read.
Dear Dean,
Since the moment I met you, I knew you were the one. The way your nose crinkles when you laugh, the way you look at me with those big green eyes of yours. You could never know how much I love you, Dean Winchester. You could never know how much. So I'm asking for one last favor, dear. Would you do me the honor of becoming my husband?
Love always,

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