Awkward moments

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I didn't know how to react to what Greg told me, what if his mum didn't like me or my dress or_huh, I'm over thinking things. "Calm down Vivian, he said she's nice, besides it's not as if you're his girlfriend meeting his family for the first time" I just had to give myself a pep talk to calm my nerves, we took our seats and the program begun shortly afterwards. They started obviously with prayers and the choir came to sing or rather 'minister' as Greg would put it, they sung so well, it reminded me of when I used to sing as well in my parent's church before everything changed for me, I came out of my trance when Greg tapped me

"Hey, you okay?...yes, yes I'm fine...are you sure?...yes please...okay, the speaker they just mentioned is my mum...oo ok, I didn't hear her name...I, she's beautiful...yeah, she is, thank you. Enjoy the rest of the program...thank you". When we closed, Greg took me to the refreshment table and I got some snacks. Someone was calling him and I realised that was his mum "Please sit here, let me check what my mum wants, I'll be with you shortly...okay" he approached her and they were having a conversation, then they both turned in my direction, I quickly averted my gaze because they caught me staring. Greg called me to come close and he introduced us

"Mum meet Vivian, J.J's doctor who's now our friend and Vivian, my mum...nice to meet you ma'am...same here, my daughter, how was the program? I hope you learnt something?...yes please I learnt a lot, I'm glad I could make it and I particularly enjoyed your session... awww, I'm honored,_Greg, I have a meeting with Pastor so I'd leave you two; and Vivian, do come by our house sometime okay? I would love to see you again" she said with a kind smile "yes please I will".

"So how did that go?...surprisingly good...I told you she's a nice person...yeah, you were right, but please don't pull that stunt on me again...don't worry, it won't happen again, I'm sorry... it's okay, you're I wanted to ask you something...okay, go were lost in your thoughts when the choir was ministering and for a moment I saw a look of sadness in your eyes before you managed to mask it up, what got you like that?...I don't know what you're talking about, I was probably just absentminded...Viv (and there goes the pet name), I haven't known you for long but I know you're a terrible liar, what is it? you can talk to me... huh, Greg do you have to be so observant, I thought you didn't notice...I did but just wanted the program to end before asking...hmmm...mmhm?...okay, when the choir was singing, it reminded me of when I used to sing?...don't get too excited, I said I used to...what made you stop?'s a long story and boring too, I don't want to worry you with my emotional baggage...oh blessed are you because I am good at carrying them...don't you have to go get J.J? move but you're not escaping this time around, what at all is it that you can't share?...I will maybe some other time...I know for sure if you don't say it now, you won't say it later but I won't force it, anytime you're ready...Greg_are we cool?...yes we are...don't make me feel bad...Vivian, the last thing I want to do is make you feel bad, I'm just really concerned about you but if I'm overstepping my boundaries, I'm sorry..." He was making it way harder for me to keep quiet, but I had grieved enough and wasn't ready to embarrass myself by crying like a baby in front of him
"'re not overstepping any boundaries, I just don't want to remember what happened now...don't worry, I understand_can I take you home?...yes please" things were a bit awkward between us but he still remained the gentleman he is and opened the door for me, he drove in silence and I wondered what he was thinking about, I still felt bad about not telling him what happened but when I do eventually, I hope he understands.

Hello, lovely people, this chapter is a bit shorter than the others but I didn't want to leave you hanging...I hope you enjoy, love you.

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