Averie decided it was time to say something. So she stopped in her tracks right as she stepped in front of the elevator doors, subtly pressing the down button. 

"I'm working with La Perla now," she firmly announced.

"What?" Zara exclaimed. "Why!"

Lucas was also visibly surprised, his mouth dropped as she said it.

But Averie held her head up high, she knew what she wanted.

"Here we were thinking you called out because you were sick, but no. You were just securing another job for one of our rival brands," Malfoy scoffed.

"Oh I am sick," Averie refuted. "I'm sick and tired of your fucking bullshit, Draco."

His eyes widened the slightest.

"You know, you should be on your knees thanking me right now for essentially being the one who made this company win that stupid Milan lingerie brands publicity competition," she took a step towards him. "My potential is way too high to stay at a company and work under a boss who treats me like utter shit. I should have left weeks ago."

"You can't handle being told what to do by your boss then maybe you shouldn't have a job at all," Malfoy threatened.

"Why do you care, Draco? Let her leave, we hate her anyways," Parkinson glared at Averie.

Of course Pansy would have to say something too. If her lovely little man said something of course she would have to too.

"I'm too good of a person and of a designer to have a brainless man-child of a boss slow me down," Averie chuckled, trying to seem as unbothered as she possibly could. The elevator chimed right as she said her next few words, stepping into it after.

"So I quit."

Draco watched as she stormed out of the office into the elevator in her all too tall heels, her thin pink panties on full display for everyone, letting her ass out free. He knew why she dressed up so well, to tease him. It was definitely something she would do.

He immediately rushed into his own private office, locking the door and plopping down on his plush couch. His head dropped into his hands, stroking his chin as he shook his head out of disbelief.

He was disappointed in himself for letting her get away, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

He huffed as he realized what he had done.

All of the things he had done to chase her away.

She was so defiant, so fiery. Though he couldn't help but be drawn to it, like a moth drawn to the flames. She definitely was a flame. A sassy, brilliant flame that Draco couldn't stand—yet he also couldn't stand himself for how he viewed her.

But she quit.

Had he really been so incessive enough for her to actually quit?

Draco supposed him telling her off on his plane was too extreme. He didn't mean to do that, it had come out of no where—as stupid as it sounds. To be honest he didn't know what else to do around her other than to be aggressive.

It was his first nature, it was in his blood.

Draco had always been rude to everyone around him. It started off as an innocent playground bully and it switched into who he was today—an arrogant, self-serving, overbearing man with no limits on how far he would go to humiliate someone.

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