Chapter 22

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On Monday, normalcy would set in again. It was pertinent that they make the most of their Sunday in Charleston. There was more conversation on their wedding night than one might expect and it turned out to be very much like a giggle-infused sleepover between best friends. If holding your best friend near and tight with minimal clothing the whole night through is your thing. William did most of the talking, to Marigold's surprise. He always was an excellent negotiator, but after spending nearly every waking moment over the last month with Marigold, he was quickly becoming a skilled conversationalist as well.

"Oregon-bound on a recreational vehicle it is!" He planted a soft kiss between her breasts, capturing a tiny flicker of her heartbeat on the corner of his mouth. "And assuming everything goes well this summer, then next summer we can visit Liverpool. What we'll do is start a savings for our travels, separate from our savings for the farm. It will be flexible, too. So, if we stumble upon a piece of land that we fall in love with out in the big, wide world... well..."

"I like it! But let us not forget college savings for Mabel. While I plan on supporting every single one of her endeavors, she should do something other than dressage."

"Mabel?" William's kisses traveled to below Marigold's navel, but he suspended all temptations to rest both hands on her stomach and contemplate on their presently unconceived daughter. "Sort of a fusion of 'Marigold' and 'Annabelle'. Or simply that obnoxious coloratura from Pirates of Penzance..."

"I also like Melissa. It means honeybee. Have you thought of any names, William?".

"Certainly not. I've only ever named horses. Up to this point, I've been calling her Buttercup in my mind..." his caresses softened as they shared a brief laugh.

"Buttercup is definitely her palomino! You know, I heard her singing that song again the other night? Of course, I'm not one to speak. Marigold is likely a common nomenclature in many stables. How about Mayfair?"

"That would be far too British, I rather like Mabel..." William began to massage her lowermost anatomy. The strokes of his tongue grew broad and bold upon her first sigh of elation.

"I do, too. It's a bit old fashioned, but sweet. If we go with Mabel, we'd have an excuse to use that ridiculous nursery rhyme should she misbehave in the dining room."

"And which nursery rhyme is that?"

"Mabel, Mabel. If you're able, get your elbows off the table. This is not a horse's stable, but a fancy dining table!"

William laughed, throwing off his pace. Marigold found the push of warm breath to a divine addition to his oral lovemaking and threw her leg over his shoulder, begging for more. "You just made that up..."

"I did not. I actually think it originated in England..."

"Plenty of obscurities have, I suppose." He gave her a quick wink before losing himself in her softness and warmth. Even before their intimate knowledge of one another grew, William seemed to understand that Marigold craved this bond; this softer form of lovemaking. His lips and tongue, the parents of conversation, seemed to whisper inaudible words straight into her soul. Their caresses, smooth and deep, had individual meanings. Each one resounded within her, making her feel comforted and loved. It was as essential as a ray of sunlight gliding across the petals of a flower, gifting them with color and life.

Her final sigh of satisfaction remained in the air like mist from a waterfall. The noise fell gradually from the heavens, covering William and filling him with love. Marigold's eyes remained closed, the only motion that she produced was the softest heaving in her breast. William covered her, flesh to flesh, heart to heart. As his mouth interlocked with hers, she sighed again halfway through and awoke from her temporary slumber. A quick laugh wrinkled her tiny nose.

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