Rice Balls

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"Man," Mirio stretched his arms above his head, letting out a groan of satisfaction when he heard the bones in his back crack back into place and rolled the tension out of his shoulder. "Another overnight, huh fellas," he chuckled after gaining grumbles as replies. "Ah, lighten up! It's just paperwork!"

"Says the literal sun," Hitoshi snickered tiredly, adding a 5-Hour-Energy to his fourth cup of coffee within the hour — how he hasn't gone into cardiac arrest surprises them all. "Always so... perky," he pulled a face, throwing back his liquid strength in one large gulp.

"Dude," Denki stared at his partner from across his desk. "How the fuck are you not dead by now?" He asked dumbfounded, the look of pure confusion and concern evident on his face.


"I-" Denki's jaw dropped and snapped shut multiple times, gawking and gaping like fish out of water until closing it for good, looking away with a shake of his head.

"Anyway," Mirio laughed in amusement, turning his attention away from the duo to the greennette a few desks away. "Izuku, did Katsuki send you with dinner tonight?"

"Uh-Huh," the younger detective blushed deeply. "Y-Yeah," he laughed breathlessly in embarrassment, lifting the neatly wrapped bento. "Kacchan always sends me food!" Izuku smiled down at his dinner with a loving expression. "Kacchan's the best husband," he mumbled happily.

Mirio chuckled again. "Okay, just making sure," he said, leaning back in his chair and pulled out his phone. "I'm in the mood for rice balls," he hummed, scrolling through his apps before clinking on the delivery app. "You two want anything?"

"Nope, Eijiro's mom was over this weekend!" He pulled out a container from his desk drawer. "She made us a bunch of meals for the week," he ripped open the lid, digging straight into the roasted chicken and vegetables. "Look Zu," Denki lifted the fork with a piece of broccoli stuck to it. "It's you!"

"So mean!" Izuku pouted around a piece of fried pork that hung halfway out of his mouth as he was also devouring his dinner.

"Boys," Mirio said, not looking up from browsing the menu pulled up on his screen. "No playing with your food," smirking at the mutters of 'yes sir'. "Shinso, you want anything?"

"Nah," the purple-haired detective shook his head, the clinking of his keyboard becoming almost hypnotic. "I'm good, thanks," Mirio nodded, ordering his umeboshi and unagi rice balls before setting his phone next to his computer, leaning further back in his chair as he looked up the half-dead light bulb.

'I wonder if I'll get that cute guy again.'

'Fuck,' he couldn't help to stare at the red uniformed delivery guy as he shyly stepped out of the elevator, looking around just like before

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'Fuck,' he couldn't help to stare at the red uniformed delivery guy as he shyly stepped out of the elevator, looking around just like before. 'Fuck, he's really here again,' Mirio mentally panicked when those large indigo eyes locked right onto his. He quickly looked away, picking up a random pen and started scribbling onto a post-it as a way to cover up his gawking.

"U-Uh, sir?" A voice as soft as angels singing spoke next to him. "Y-Your order D-Detective," a light pink coloring the younger male's pale cheeks as he offered the plastic bag to him, trying his hardest to not lift his gaze from his dirtied vans.

Mirio must've not respond fast enough — too busy taking in every detail of the man in front him — because he was quickly brought back to earth when someone coughed awkwardly. "Ah-! Y-Yeah!," Mirio jumped up, banging his knee and successfully knocked over the stack of flies on the floor by tripping over them. "Ha! Ha!" He bound back up, a bright grin splitting his face, rubbing the back of his head with one hand, the other rested on his hip. "Thanks a lot — uh?"

"Amajiki Tamaki,"

Mirio seemed to go weak at the name, facing softening to a small smile, deep blue eyes almost twinkling down at the shorter male. "Tamaki," he tested the name out, both of them flushing at the sound of it. "Thank you, Tamaki," he took the plastic bag and set it on his desk, so he could fish out his wallet. "You can call me Mirio, or detective," he pulled out a banknote, holding it out for Tamaki to take. "Or Togata of you want to be formal, or Detective Togata, or-"


Mirio cleared his throat, shooting Hitoshi a grateful look. "Right," he quickly dropped his hand, realizing that he's been holding on to the bill still.

Tamaki stuffed the tip into his pocket, rubbing at his bare arm. "T-Thanks... Mirio," He said quickly and quietly, walking away before his face caught fire.

"What the hell was that?" Hitoshi asked outright once the elevator doors shut.

"That my dear friend," Denki started, wiping the corners of his mouth with a napkin, throwing it into the empty container afterwards. "Was called a 'gay panic'."

Delivery Boy (MiriTama / AU)Where stories live. Discover now