Chapter three

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"I'm glad I have you guys here, it's  fun being here with friends" as I start to turn to my book the world seems to become fuzzy.

"What in the-" I heard someone start to say
before everything went dark.


"Douxie!" I shout into the black abyss, only echoes of my voice reach me.

As I try to walk forward my foot bumps into something... as my eyes adjust to the darkness I realize it's a body... A body with a boyish haircut with blonde hair... Steve. I scramble to see what's going on but when I get closer there's something sticking out of his chest? I go to pull it out before I realize... He's dead. Why have I just realized such a thing? Steve is impaled with a sword. Dead. Putting a hand to cover my mouth as if to muffle a scream.

Fear becomes more and more present in my gut as I stand up to see if I can spot any of the others... if something happens to them... I have to see if I can save them... I can feel my magic start to build up as terror fills me.

The fog thickens around me blocking my sight from seeing anything in front of me. I can't see Steve anymore... I have to find the others... I keep slowly walking forward, trying to feel my way through the darkness before I almost trip on a... Root? The darkness lightens... I start to make out vines and a rock? I look closer but the rock has the same designs ARG has... No... I step up to the rock finding another in a bluer hue, Blinkus! I try to turn him around before I notice he isn't making any cowardly remarks about our predicament... tears well in my eyes as I try to look for anyone else. That's when I see the vines start to thicken around a pair of familiar horns. Nari! I walk over the vines to see her in the middle of the mass of overgrowth. Almost like a flower bed.

"Oh Nari..." I start to cry looking at her as my magic keeps trying to seep out, trying to destroy this darkness. Not like it would help... Seeing how vulnerable she looks... What could have happened? What even is happening? Steve is dead and now I find ARG and Blinkous turned to stone... And our only link to the order... Our friend is gone. As more flowers start to sprout around her I take one and place it in her hands.

Finally getting up, tears blocking my vision even more. I look around for anything else... for Anyone else... the darkness thickens once again leaving me essentially blinded. Eyes wide and searching for anyone who might still be here. Alive or not...stepping away from the Vines I try to walk a few steps forward, before a familiar purple glow shows through the fog somewhat. With a sudden tinge of hope I hastily walk towards the purple light. That could be Claire! She could be okay... the fog starts to clear once more.

Before I can Make anything out I feel my boot sink into something mushy... I try to lift my foot out but it takes a bit of effort to pull it up... I reach down to touch it but more keeps trickling to my feet. Before I touch it the fog lifts and I'm met with a pool of red at my feet. Blood. I feel my heartbeat racing. Pounding in my chest. The fog clears enough for me to see... Jim! I rush forward crouching by his side trying to see what happened but all I can see is blood. I start to panic looking for anyone who could be around to help... I have a tight feeling in my chest... I have no time to lose. I need to help them.

"Clai-" I cut myself off mid shout as the fog clears, revealing Claire a couple feet away from Jim... covered in blood.  So much blood. Why? Why. Why why why. WHY! The cold settled again and I was surrounded in the mist once more but the blood was still on my hands and feet. Before I could collect my thoughts the fog lifted again. This time revealing a body with pink hair. A part of their torso and left arm was torn off. I started to shake.

"C-Cassandra?" I reached forward as my world tilted.

"Y-you said you would never die!" I started to collapse as a scream ripped through my throat. Before I could reach her the fog settled again. My magic is starting to surround me, almost as if it's trying to reach something or anyone. Anyone I could help... Even though I haven't been able to reach anyone. Where are they!? Tears still swelling in my eyes, falling freely. How could I get help? How would I heal Any of them?! I try to find them again with my magic but the fog is so thick I can't feel any of their essence anymore...

"No!" I struggle to keep my screams in. Now I can feel my magic pouring out. Even more so than before, freely flowing as if it could help. Eyes wide staring at the horrific scene in front of me. Tears streaming rapidly down my face. I try to start healing them when they suddenly disappear. Leaving me in the dark. Alone. Cass... Claire... Jim... What could have done that?! Why is everyone I'm finding dead... No...They could still be saved if I just try...

I rise to my feet, shaking from whatever sick situation I'm in... I couldn't save any of them... Gone to whatever this fog is... I can still try to find them... I haven't seen Douxie in any of this yet... If I  can find him and we could save everyone together!

I suddenly start looking around frantically. I can't lose him again. Where is he?! Where's Archie? Shit... I can't lose them. Not like this. I can't lose him again...

I try to walk forward but I feel something brush against my foot, it's almost soft... Fur...? Archie! I quickly kneel down to see what happened to him. But before I touched him I noticed the blood stains down his back...

"No. No! Archie no... I can help you just hang on!" I reach down pouring out my magic. Incanting healing spell after healing spell. I can almost feel his essence again! If I just keep on with this pace...

"Julia! -" I freeze at the familiar voice.

"Douxie?" I turn around shakily still keeping my hands on Archie.

"Julia!" He runs over to me.

"Is Archie ok?!" He collapses next to me as he reaches towards his good friend.

"He's a bit roughed up but I believe I can-" I was cut of by a sudden gasp. I look towards Douxie to see a sword going through his chest. He looks at me before falling forward.

"DOUXIE!" I grab him before he falls holding him as I shake.

"W-what happened!? Who did this!?" I yell into the darkness while holding him to my chest.

"J-Julia..." his voice sounds weak as he gives a strained smile.

"Don't close your eyes! I can heal you! Stay with me!"

"I-I'm sorry" he starts to close his eyes as I frantically start to heal him.

"No... NO STAY WITH ME! I can help you! No no no no! I can't lose you again!" I scream as he falls limp in my arms as my spell seemed to do nothing. I hold him close as I cry over my failure. I start to sob, now laying my head on his chest, my hands grasping his jacket.

"I-I couldn't... I couldn't help you... I'm so sorry..." as I cry another voice starts to talk.

"You're weak."

"W-what?" I look up as the mist engulfs Douxie. I'm left sitting in darkness as the mist forms together to show a males silhouette.

"Who are you! What have you done to my friends!?" My magic burst forward reaching dangerously close to the mist, but the mist just chuckled as he dispersed the attack.

"I have done nothing but show you what will happen if you don't become stronger. In exchange for my freedom I can give you power beyond your wildest dreams! Just say my name and true power shall be yours."

"Why should I help you!?"

"Because this future is unavoidable." Before I could speak a name was imprinted into my brain.

"You lie! You're lying! You have to be!"

"But I'm not, how about I demonstrate to you my strength." The mist disperses and reappears around me. This time almost seeping into me, as the mist disappears I can feel the power surging through my system. Almost burning as if it was too much. All of a sudden the feeling is gone.

"That, is what true strength feels like! Don't you want that! Don't you need it to battle the inevitable?"

"I-" before I could respond a name was imprinted in my brain. My mouth seemed to move on it's own as if I was being forced to speak the name.


Author note

I'm sure you are all surprised and confused by this chapter. But you'll just have to keep reading to see what happens next!


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