prologue interview

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  You are 21 years old, you graduated your classes with honors and the first thing the career office decided to do is put you as a guardsman at a female maximum security prison that holds some of the worlds most dangerous criminals that fought some of the worlds greatest heroes did you feel nervous yes you did but one thing that your dad taught you was to turn Nervousness into excitement so it was safe to say your excited. You made your way to your interview and your new boss is none other Jim Gordon he gave you firm handshake and was asking you all sorts of questions. " Ok so Y/N,  all of your papers seems in order your efficient from the looks of it  so only one question is left why do you want to be a cop. " My whole family has been cops my father, his father and his father before has all been cops they told me being a cop is maintaing peace and order, taking care of the people and helping those who need help that includes the criminals their all people its our duty to lead them back to being good", Jim Gordon sighed " you got heart kid but believe me some of these criminals are beyond redemption", "With all due respect sir not to me", you said not wavering  Jim gordon lit up a cigar "Hope you dont mind cigar smell" you nodded no, "Alright kid you got your wish your hired, but I want you to see first hands how your prisoners are gonna be just so you know what to do. Y/n nodded, jim led you to your supervisor Natasha Volkov

  Jim gordon led you to her office which was quite large she is 6'7 feet tall so it was safe to say she is taller than you she stood up quickly just like a soldier

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  Jim gordon led you to her office which was quite large she is 6'7 feet tall so it was safe to say she is taller than you she stood up quickly just like a soldier. Jim Gordon chuckled " at ease captain ", you stood in front of her she was walking around you watching you seeing if you will be of use to her she grabbed your arms squeezing them she finally turned to jim "Sir, he's weak I have more muscles than this child", you stood at attention " Maam I may not look like it but I can handle my own" she stood in front of you " child you would die in the beginning week you wont be of use to me" you still were standing at attention " Let me prove myself, you said I wont make a week give me that and let me prove you wrong",  she sighed " Fine but if you get yourself killed that wont be on me" she turned to Jim " Very well Y/n starting today you will report to her she's your new boss and careful people compare her to the devil because she wont tolerate failure" she smiled " Aw sir you flatter me too much", you stared at with a surprise look and in your head you said "she considers that as a compliment", she looked at you made her way to you " Very well I shall break you then rebuild you into a strong man", you kinda gulped nervously " now" she took out a bottle of vodka and three cups "I welcome you to our family" and she poured you a cup of vodka you drank it and felt that burning sensation in your chest and throat, Jim and Natasha in the other hand enjoyed the drink and didnt made a single squirm to their face Natasha chuckled " Little boy are you ok", you kinda got annoyed "Maam I'm 21" she had a look of surprised " That makes you a smart little boy". Jim and Natasha started to laugh and you just felt humilated/embarrased " Aw dont worry I'm only kidding ", she put her arm over you and you felt the strength in her arms and her boob  hitting the side of your body and started to blush. 

Dc Comic Maximum security female prison x male rookie prison guardWhere stories live. Discover now