chapter twelve

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What is she doing to herself ? She loves him and will do anything in the world for the sake of his love, but he only thinks of her lowly. He wanted to marry her for his desires and not for the spiritual love that will last forever. Her heart was broken.

The next evening ,Jenny recieved a call from Matt inviting her to another dinner. She suggested that instead of dining out why dont they had a quiet dinner at her hotel room. Matt hesitated for a minute and then agreed to her suggestion. She called Blake and informed him of the dinner arrangements. He was pleased and asked her to contact him the minute Matt left .

Blake was sitting alone in his chair in the dark. His chair kept rocking back and forth . Silence prevailed in the room . He couldnot understand what was happening to him. He was worried about Jenny . She was no more a girl whom he just desired . She had become more than that. But he couldnot understand how that had happened. He couldnot sleep .

He sent an sms to his friend detective back in the States and asked him to check  Jenny's relation with her boss. He couldnot believe her to be the playful person he thought . Her eyes were filled with purity and innocence , and her looks were making him suffer.

Matt met Jenny at her room as they had agreed. He brought with him a cyramic statue. When Jenny looked at it , she immediately recognized it as similar to the one she had broken accidentally weeks ago.

"Its a gift!", he said , and placed it on her table. They sat on the comfortable coach infront of the t.v. where a talk show was on. Matt was sitting close to her. Slowly his arm slipped behind her to hug her,suddenly she shuddered and brushed off his arm smiling nervously excusing herself that she should order dinner.

The evening went smoothly. They discussed various topics . Matt was very nice to her . Finally he announced that it was time to go. Jenny escorted him to the door . He stood there for a second before he unexpectedly turned her to him and kissed her lightly. A vomiting feeling attacked her but she managed to control herself. She did not want him to suspect a thing. She said goodbye to him with a smile forced on her lips. She locked her door, wiped away the touch of the abominable kiss on her lips and called Blake. She told him about the statue and he suggested that he would stop by the next day and take it to the forensic lab to examine it.

"Please would you go with me to the party?"

That was the fourth time Matt had asked her to escort him to the party the Santi Banéz' were having. Alijandro Santi Banéz was considered as one of the economic pillars of Mexico. He owns companies all over the country. He owns a hundred year old Casa Grande which was built on a peninsula that extended for thousands of acres. It was Sĕnor Alijandro's fiftieth anniversary . For this unique occasion,he had invited the noble families of Acapulco. The Sĕnor was one of Matt's loyal customers, so normally he was invited to such a party.

Jenny wanted to turn down the invitation ,but deep down in her heart she knew going to such an event would pave the way for more evidence. Automatically she dialled Blake's number repeating in her mind the information she knew . A lazy feminine voice answered the call.

"Hello!" Jenny was surprised ;she felt angry . She regained her calm posture and asked for Blake.

"Who wants him?",the woman asked coyly.

"A friend , Jennifer is my name".

She could sense the woman tense up at the reveal of her name. Blake took the phone at the moment:"hey Jenny whats up?" He asked eagerly.

"No big deal ,its just that we have been invited to the Santi Banèz party and I thought that you should know . Maybe it will help you in uncovering more clues to your case!"

"Great I will manage to be invited. I will arrange for a couple of agents to accompany me too as a cover. Thanks a lot baby".

Baby!!! Im not his baby ! I am not anything .... thought Jenny.

She stood infront of her wardrobe unable to decide what to wear. Blake's gonna be present so she was searching for a dress that would suit her bronze skin . A dress that would make Blake die to be with her. Several questions roamed her mind :who was that woman?? Was she his girlfriend or mistress or even worse , his beloved?... She shivered at the idea. She shoved tnese thoughts out of her mind , and settled on a red fiery dress to wear to the party . A smurk drew on her lips ;she was sure the effect of the color with her bronze skin would pop her feminine qualities.

But why was she taking the effort to look beautiful to Blake? There was no motive to do so. Was it because she was in love??? Or was it not?... Goodness ! She had just realized that she was suffering a one end love . A love that was written to fail because it wont be completed. A love , unlike the devoted one of Romeo and Juliet whom she had wished to experience,that was doomed to stay in the dark shadows . She was in love with a man who didnot even care if she lived or died , a man who couldnot sense her existance as a human being who had feelings. Her head dropped to her shoulders , tears fell and sorrow overcame her .

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