Loki: Season 1, Episode 3

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Note : These are only the moments and not the entire episode , so don't expect details . () action they are doing  ------------- after few minutes.

Loki: Season 1, Episode 2 - a female VARIANT was introduced 

Loki: Season 1, Episode 2 - a female VARIANT was introduced 

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Loki: Season 1, Episode 3 

When they come back to the TVA , 

SYLVIE: You're in my way.

LOKI: You are my way.

location - Lamentis-1 

year - 2077

SYLVIE: Of all of the apocalypses saved on that TemPad, this is the worst! No one makes it off here! Watch out!

(Sylvie grabs Loki to pull him out of the way of a meteor.)

LOKI: I'm sorry, madam. Didn't have time to scan the brochure.

(They take cover under a large vehicle.)

LOKI: By the way, I thought you wanted me dead.

SYLVIE: I don't know where you hid that TemPad, but if you blow up, it blows up, and then I end up blown up. There!

(She points at a mining shack and they begin running toward it.)

LOKI: So we're a team now?

SYLVIE: Oh, God, no!

LOKI: Get down!

(Sylvie gasps as Loki pulls her out of the way of a meteor.)

SYLVIE: Didn't need your help!

LOKI: You're so weird!

(Loki gets to the mining shack first and opens the door

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(Loki gets to the mining shack first and opens the door. Sylvie runs through and they both enter, breathing heavily because of the run. Loki leans against a wall. Sylvie walks up to him and touches his neck. Her hand shimmers green with magic. Loki looks at her in confusion.)

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