The Young Girl

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The black tiles glistened from the pool of blood that was seeping on the floor. A girl lay stock still on a Kang (a bed with an inbuilt facility of fire heating, very popular in Northern China) while all the chairs and tables had been turned over. The stench of blood permeated through the air. I moved towards the body trying to check her pulse but found no beat underneath her pale skin. Her elegant and young face, although motionless and dead still, carried an air of grandeur and resentment. Judging by her features, she was still in her late teens, I sighed.

The room was in a state of complete disarray, the plant pots had been turned over and as I peered closer I saw a faint foot print large enough for a man. The first notion that came to my mind was 'murder' yet the blood on the floor did not seem to be coming from the girl. The girl had no injuries on her body yet the crime scene appeared as though there was a massive struggle that had occurred. 

I carefully examined every detail of the room and measured the footprint, it had to be a man's due to the large size but what intrigued me was the pressure of the footprint was too light to be of a man. A queer smell was coming from the young girl like a pungent flower mixed with herbs, it was probably her perfume. I touched the red window sill checking if the dust showed any clues of a hand or foot print, yet there was no sign of any of the sort. 


Author's Section

Yes, I know the chapters are very short but thats why its called a short story, duh🙃

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