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Leo The Lion King

Preface: The events of "Leo the Lion" and "The Lion King" have taken place 20 years prior to this story. It is suggested that readers familiarize themselves with both films before proceeding to read this fan-fiction. We have taken a few artistic liberties with some aspects of "Leo the Lion" and "The Lion King". In our story, a fabricated character named Furaj appears, and he is Leo's father figure and the original vegetarian lion. Leo's mutant babies with Ivory have died from complications years prior to the story. Uncle Scar also never died, but was instead banished from Pride Rock.

Chapter 1

Leo POV:

Our bodies collided, creating one magnificent shadow in the light of the rainbow. We had never done it in the Lake of Milk before, and all of these wonderful new experiences were happening all at once. Queen Ivory, my wife, had just revealed to me her true kinky desires. It was the 20th anniversary of the day the twins were birthed (rip) and the day I met my queen. I treated her to a delicious meal of radishes, lettuce, carrots, soy (shhh), turnips, beets, potatoes, broccoli, peas, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, assorted nuts, breast milk, onions, garlic, avocado, orange bell pepper, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, and mushrooms. The cave was completely isolated from the jungle, and for the first time we able to let go of all inhibitions and vocally release our passion as we desired. The steaming milk shielded our immodesty, forming a canvas around our bodies, upon which we could paint our love. Each movement created ribbons in its thick, filmy texture. We had made love many times before, but this felt like the first. Her ears were flapping, trunk flailing uncontrollably. My mane was matted with milk and sweat. Ivory's strong trunk plunged into the liquid, and I felt a gentle yet firm succ.

I was descending into the ultimate bliss, when suddenly the portal opened, interrupting this sacred moment. Rainbow Shaman floated in, and we pulled apart quickly, my cheeks reddening.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but it's urgent!" She cooed, "It's Furaj..." She faltered, a single tear dropping from her cheek into the Lake of Milk. This really darkened the mood, although I wasn't completely turned off.

We hurried through the portal, to Furaj's bedside, understanding what Rainbow Shaman meant.

I approached Furaj tentatively. "My dear father..." I began.

"Shhh, my son, there's so much more you have to learn. I've taught you everything I know, but you hold the key to the real Heart of the Jungle. You must travel across the desert. There you will find Pride Rock. My third cousin twice removed Simba will help you. Trust me, my son," he suddenly began convulsing. Furaj was dying, and there was nothing I could do. He lay, hacking and vomiting everywhere. I was repulsed, but I loved him, so I stood there and let him vomit on me.

"You must go," said Rainbow Shaman. "He doesn't want you to see him in this state."

Ivory and I walked away slowly.

He was the closest thing I had to a father, and this was the last time I would ever see him. As we left, I heard his voice cry out, "You must carry on my legacy; you are the chosen one."

My wife and I returned to the Lake of Milk, determined to finish the deed, despite the situation.

I reentered her, and it was as if we were the only two animals in the world. We forgot all our troubles and continued making sweet love. I felt a shudder run through my body. I was coming, but this time, it was different. Furaj was dead. I could sense my sperm joining Ivory's ovum. They will be twins blessed by the Lake of Milk and the spirit of Furaj.

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