"Hey, stop rushing me. This takes time." I turned away in thought.

"Ah, you must be more of the conquering type." He flew under my legs and went up in the air. "I see that killer instinct in your eyes." The tip of his tail came up and made an "ok" symbol. "Easy. Just wish for your very own personal army!" He twisted his tail above the floor and made a whole bunch of wooden statues appear.

"Why would I need an army?" I asked.

'Does this guy know what happens these days if I walked around with an army?'

He moved me onto his back with his tail so he could look at me.

"You're quite a simple fellow aren't you? Not to worry. Here's one the peasant-folk always love." Long made a heart shape with his hands as he smirked at me. He lifted his back causing me to slide down his tail and bump into his head. He held my face as he looked towards my front door, where his tail was laying across the floor.

"I can allow you to speak with a loved one on the other side of China!" The tip of his tail sprung up and moved around like it was a person. He then started talking in a high-pitched voice and it almost made me laugh.

"Hey, I'm a loved one, but I can't hear you because you're on the other side of China. There's a wall over here. It's pretty cool, but I don't know what's going on-"

"Wait, wait, wait." I interrupted him and he backed away.

"You mean like a cellphone?" I asked as I pulled out my phone and played (f/s).

Long jumped back in fright, then hid behind me while holding his tail.

'Omg, that's so cute 🥺'

"What dark magic is this?!" He then swiped my phone from me and looked at the person/people singing. "How do they fit in this little, metal box?"

I looked away in thought.

'Two wishes. Anything I want.' I gasped. 'The birthday party!'

I popped up between Long's arms. "I know what I want!"

"Wait, a wish?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, a wish!" I exclaimed. I turned around and took my phone from his hands, then ducked under his arms so I could get the kite. I grabbed it and bolted out the door, down the stairs, and out the archway. As Long was distracted about the new environment, I climbed on his back. He tensed before he turned around and looked at me.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh, riding my magical Wish Dragon. Away!" I exclaimed while I did a Superman pose.

Long glared at me.

I groaned. "Fine." I slid off his back and started walking down the street towards the bus stop.

"Uh, what are you doing now?"

"Well, since you won't let me ride you, we gotta catch the bus." I informed him.

"The "bus"? Is that some kind of animal?" Long asked as he flew next to me.

"What? No. Wait, how long have you been in that teapot?" I asked as I looked at him.

He looked away as he shrugged. "I don't know. Is it still the Qing Dynasty? Ooh." He flew away as something caught his attention.

""The Qing Dynasty"? Wait, Long!" I followed him over to a small television.

"Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you, peasant!" He shouted as he shook the tv with his tail.

"He's not a peasant, Long. It's just television." I said as I walked away and he followed.

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