Odd One Out

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Bold = Authors Note/Place
'Italic' = Thoughts
Normal Italic = Emphasis/Talking on Device
Underlined = POV Change

(Y/n) = Your Name
(M/n) = Middle Name
(L/n) = Last Name
(N/n) = Nick Name
(E/c) = Eye Color
(S/k) = Skin Color
(H/c) = Hair Color
(H/l) = hair length
(F/c) = Favorite Color(s)
(F/s/a) = Favorite Stuffed Animal
(S/a/n) = Stuffed Animal's Name ^^
(F/o) = Favorite Outfit
(F/b) = Favorite Band (or artist)
(F/s) = Favorite Song
(D/n) = Dad's Name
(M/n) = Mom's Name

3rd person
"Now, everyone, follow me." The female teacher said as she directed the girls's class. She was teaching them how to write 'Dragon' in Chinese.

"Carefully, just like this. Okay, raise your paper." Multiple kids raised their papers with attempts at writing the word. One student didn't, though. She was a little girl with (s/c) skin, (e/c) eyes, and (h/l), (h/c) hair.

"And with scales, some grass, some clouds. Huh? Oh." She put up her paper with the drawing of a dragon, instead of the word. The teacher kindly asked her to sit outside on the bench, so she did. She liked her drawing, why were the other kids laughing?

Suddenly, the door to the other classroom burst open and a little boy came out.

"Stupid teacher. Fricken-frack." He sat down with a pout on his face.

The little girl leaned over in shock before she grabbed her paper to show her drawing. The boy gasped before he grabbed his paper to reveal his drawing of a dragon.

"Woah." The girl smiled.

The school bell rang out, startling the two. The doors opened on either side of them as kids poured out, wanting to get home.

The little girl got her book bag and waited at the entrance for her mom.

A little boy came past her with his mother. "Haha. Your mom forgot you. She doesn't-"

His mom butted in. "Jimmy, stop that. It's rude. You know it's only the two of them. She's trying her best." The moms voice faded as they walked further away. The boy turned around and stuck out his tongue. He was suddenly hit with something and it caused him to do a flip before hitting the ground.


The girls' eyes widened as she looked to the source of the object on the right. The little boy went back into the bushes and the girl became confused. The boy was suddenly behind her, making her jump and fall back onto the ground.

The boy leaned down, took out a dumpling, and took a bite. "I'm Din." He smiled.

The little girl wiped her nose. "I'm (Y/n)."

Din picked her up and held her hand. "You can walk home with me." His determined face turned into a sad one as he looked at the girl. "My dad's... always late."

(Y/n) smiled at him and he smiled back before running down the street with her.

Time skip
(Y/n) heard a knock on her window, so she reached up and opened it. She looked up to see Din in the home across from hers. He brought out a flashlight and started making shapes on the wall next to them. (Y/n) got a flashlight and joined him.

Time skip
(Y/n) was holding ice cream as Din was chasing after her, all while taking a bite of one.

Time skip
The two were picking out a chick to get.

"Which one?" (Y/n) asked.

"This one!" Din held up a chick.

They put it in a little cookie box with wheels they glued on using a wooden dowel and cardboard.

"Fly, Clucky!"

Time skip
(M/n) who had (s/c) skin, (e/c) eyes, and (h/l), (h/c) hair, opened the door to their home. A man was standing there and he was on the phone. He quickly hung up and went inside to see the children doing math homework.

"No, no, you first have to multiply the top by the bottom." Din told (Y/n) as she groaned.

Din's dad came and picked him up and put him on his shoulders. Din hung upside down and waved. "Bye, (Y/n)!"


Time skip
It was fall time and the children were chasing each other around in front of women doing yoga.

Time skip
It was now winter, and the kids were walking back home from getting roasted yams.

Time skip
They were back at the house watching cartoons. (Y/n) was laying on the chair upside down while Din was on the floor with Clucky. (Y/n) would throw a dumpling to Din, he would open it and throw the food on the inside to (Y/n), while he would eat the outer dough.

Time skip
The kids were getting their yearly measurements of how tall they were, and once again, Din was taller than (Y/n). He smirked in triumph, until (Y/n) came over with a ponytail that was on the top of her head to make her look taller. She smirked before Din growled and chased after her.

Time skip
The kids were at a grave made for Clucky. They put his feathers in the grave and covered it with dirt. They then took a bite of the chicken legs that they had cooked.

Time skip
They were in a little tub (with tank tops and shorts on), taking a bath together, putting soap bubbles on their faces when the tub suddenly broke and they fell.

Time skip
Din was on top of a roof coloring something, when (Y/n) burst through the door that led to the roof.

"Hey, you're late!" Din complained.

"I know, I know, I know! I had to get the stuff!" (Y/n) set down some paper, tape, and some other crafting materials.

They were both working on the kite, and they finally decided that it was ready. They picked it up and got a running start. They stopped at the edge of the building and threw the kite off. It didn't fly.


"I guess it didn't work."

The kite came up out of nowhere, and started to fly in the wind. The kids held the string and smiled at their creation. The wind got stronger and the kite was now pulling them along. They went over rooftops and avoided people's clothes lines along the way. They got pulled up and then the kite broke, causing them to crash into a little, not-well-built building that was on top of a well-built one. The kite's body flew away as the kids groaned from the impact. They both started laughing before (Y/n) got up.

"Let's make a promise to be best friends forever." She held out her pinky.

"Friends forever." Din said as he hooked his pinky with hers.

"Year by year, upon this we will always swear." They both said.

Time skip- Raining weather
The back door of the moving truck closed, as it was too full of boxes and other things.

"Come on. It's time to go." Din's dad said.

"But, Dad, we said-"

"Din, we've been over this already." Din's dad interrupted him.

Din sadly looked over at (Y/n), who was holding their kite. Din went over and hugged her.

"I have to go, (Y/n)." He said sadly as he broke away from the hug.

"But... I fixed our kite." (Y/n) protested.

Din's dad came up behind him and put his hands on Din's shoulders.

"Come along, Din." He put his hand on top of (Y/n)'s head. "Take care, kiddo."

They both walked over to a fancy car, with Din looking back once, before getting in and driving off.

Hope you liked the first chapter!

Word count: 1300

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