Arc 2 (Vermilion Side), Chapter 2: The Black-feathered Hawk

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Life continued as usual for Alfredo. He went to school all by himself after taking a nice warm shower and eating breakfast with Dr. Marina at the tower's cafeteria. He still feels worried about his mental condition, and sometimes he even thinks about his parents again. However, he remembered that he vowed to his mother to become a strong person before she gave out her last breath. As he pushed through the school's door, he saw his childhood friend from his junior high school days waiting for him near the entrance.

"Yo, Alfredo! Howzit hangin?"

"Nothing much, Natsume. I still feel under the weather today. Must be a side effect from the drug that Dr. Marina gave me"

"Why did you come to school then? Don't you have to take a rest?"

"I just want to see my friends again, that's all"

"Okey dokey then! Care to join on my panty raid to the girls' dorm this evening? I got a ticket for two!"

"Not now, Natsume! Sheesh!"

"Okay then. Guess I'll just go there all by myself and as usual, getting zapped, torched and drowned at the same time"

"Good luck with that!"

As he sat on his desk, Alfredo still thinks about his moments with his parents. He missed them, especially his mother, who was a very nice and beautiful person. He remembered that he used to sleep on her thick thighs and large breasts back when he was still a child. He even missed back when she used to be the principal of Rurigaoka Academy before Dr. Marina took her place after her death. She used to give him cuddles and kisses before she returned to her office every morning, and she even let him study and eat lunch there as a special privilege since he was his son and the heir of the prestigious Takahitsuji clan. Yurika approached the black-haired Esper boy from behind and tried to cheer him up.

"What's wrong, Alfredo?"

"Nothing. I'm just feeling not well today"

"Would you like to try some of my sweets? I made some chocolate hearts for you. Wanna try?"

"No thanks. I'm not in the mood for sweets"

"I also made some bitter ones too"

"Alright, I'll try.."

Alfredo grabbed one of the bitter chocolate hearts that Yurika made. However, it didn't cheer him up. He still feels the same, worn out and depressed. His life wasn't the same anymore without her mother who used to warm his heart every day, even at school. Despite that, Yurika still tried her best to cheer Alfredo up. During recess, Alfredo went to the cafeteria and saw Alice and her lackey Misaki bullying Yurika again. He approached the blonde Esper and scared her and her lackey away with his Dark Nightmare Sigil. Yurika thanked him again, and he felt a bit of warmth in his heart.

"Alfredo, you're a lifesaver! That meanie Alice and her lackey Misaki was trying to scare the crap outta me with a rubber rat! I almost threw away my lunch because of it!"

"No probs, Yurika. Say, your bitter chocolate hearts were delicious!"

"You love them? I still can make more if you want"

"Mmmm.... Maybe later. After class, I need to get back to the tower for a little *ahem* counseling with Dr. Marina"

"I see. I'll see you later then!"

After class, Alfredo went back to the tower to see Dr. Marina again. He wanted to talk with her about his mother and his mental state. She let him into her room and they sat on a round velvet rug. The room was pretty cold, and it had a huge computer that she used to do her research or to play games with her friends. He told her about what happened in class and he said that he can't focus on studying properly without thinking about her mother. Dr. Marina comforted him by cuddling his rather toned body while telling the truth about her.

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