Chapter 7.

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I was doing an early shift at the wreck with Kie. After we finished me and her went to go hangout on the dock at the chateau while we wait for John B and JJ to get back from Mrs. Lanas.

"Soooo Kie, what's up with you and John?" I asked her.

"What? Um nothing you know the rules Ann." She replied.

"Those rules aren't real dummy everyone knows that. I see the way he looks at you don't tell me you don't see it too."

"I know I just don't know if he's the right guy for me. I need someone who's a bit less reckless."

"Well hun that scratches off 2 out of the 3."

We spent the rest of the time gossiping about kook drama and making fun of them. We talked about how her parents have been extra annoyed with her lately hanging out with the boys.

Her parents like me only because I'm around to pick up shifts. However they despise the boys.

Finally the van pulls back into the yard as pope walks out of the chateau.


"...and at that point I was just like...I'm waiting for death." JJ stated dramatically after explaining what him and John B saw at Lanas.

Pope and JJ discussed what the two men look like, both of them ending up arguing like always. Finally John B mentioned his dads office and we all quickly followed.

"...he always kept it locked, he was scared of his competitors stealing his stuff. We all use to laugh at him but now I just kinda....left it." John explained.

"Yeah for when he comes back!" Kie encouraged.

"Yeah exactly!" I agreed placing a hand on his shoulder as he unlocked the door. I shot Pope a look after he rolled his eyes at me and Kie.

"Wow I've sleep over here 600 times and never once saw this door opened." Pope stated.

"Here! Look at this!" John said as he brought down a board with his family tree on it.

He talked us through how each member got the compass and how each of them died. I agreed with pope silently when he said it was a death compass.

John then sat down on the coach as he explained a hidden compartment the compass held. When he opened it, it reviled his dads hand writing. Pope once again didn't believe him.

"Can I see it? Rout... rat... no wait I think that's an 'e'" JJ said trying to sound it out.

"It's red field!" Me and Kie both said annoyed.


After Pope tried to diss courage John B some more and we all sent him disapproving looks he said that maybe redfield was an anagram. He went straight to work as Kie and Pope helped him and me and John viewed different things in the office.

"How can you focus with that thing crowing all the time?" Pope asked annoyed.

"JJ loves the rooster!" I explained.

"Guys! Someone's here!" John B said.

A black truck pulled into the drive way. We soon realized it belonged to the two men that shot at us.
Kie quickly started to panic, as John questioned JJ where the gun was. It was on the porch but by the time JJ went to go get it they were already in the house. They screamed for John B as they trashed the house.

JJ, Pope and Kie worked on getting the window open as John stood against the door.

I however was experiencing the all too familiar feeling of a heavy weight on my chest. I felt like I couldn't breath, my head was spinning and my ears were ringing. No Anna it's not time for a panic attack. Quick work on your breathing. I closed my eyes as I grip the desk with one hand to steady myself, the other holding my chest.

A few seconds later I felt a strong hand grip my elbow as the other wrapped around my waist. It was JJ, he quickly lead me out the open window as John B waited on the other side to help me down. Pope and Kie already made there way to the chicken coop.
JJ grabbed my hand as we ran towards it to join them in hiding.

We sat in the coop, JJ on one side of me with Kie on the other. Kie was crying which I didn't blame her for. Tears were slowly escaping my eyes as well.

"Pope do something! Shut him up!" JJ harshly said as the rooster went crazy.

"What do you want me to do!" Pope said annoyed.

"I dunno, pet it or or talk to it!" Kie said scared  

Finally JJ got up from his spot, held the rooster down and snapped his neck. He sunk back down beside me.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. I know what he just did wasn't easy. He squeezed my hand back as he looked at me.

Finally we heard the truck pull away and we all exited the coop in shock.


Hello sorry I've been a little MIA I was on a little vacation to do some stuff for uni. This chapter was a little rushed cause I want to get something out since I hadn't written in a while :)

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