26. Calming spell practice

Start from the beginning


"Anyway since your good on that part next is making sure your not really stressed when casting a spell which we can skip that. So next is well trying it on someone"

"So your the one I'll be trying it on"

Lillith looks up and giggles "most spells don't worry on elves"

"So the calming spell won't working you?"


The door opens and in walks Present Mic (Hizashi Yamada)

"WHATS UP EVERYONE!" He yells. Lillith covers her ears


"Are you ok?"

"Remember when I told you elf ears are sensitive?"


"Well here's proof. My ears are ringing"

"SO WHAT IS GOING ON IN" his voice goes normal "here" he looks at Aizawa who is looking at him with his quirk active

"Your too loud. Shut it!" He deactivates his quirk

"Sorry. It's hard not to activate my quirk"

Aizawa turns to Lillith "are you ears ok?"

"Yeah. Still ringing, but that will stop"

"Oh I'm sorry. Do you have sensitive ears?" Asks Mic


"I didn't know"

Aizawa walks over to Mic and whispers in his ear. "sure I'll help" he then looks at Lillith then back to Aizawa "whoa cool!" Aizawa looks at Lillith

"You can take off your hat I told him"

"Are you just gonna tell everyone?" Lillith says as she/they take off her/their hat

"I told him because if he gonna help he might as well know if he's going to help us"

"Whoa! Can I touch your ears?"

"No elf ears are very sensitive"

"Oh ok"

They go to the couch. Aizawa and Hizashi sit down

"Ok what now"

"Well I actually think Mr.Yamada is perfect for this spell"

"Why is that?"

"Because you are always loud and rowdy"

"Yeah that's fair"

"Ok Mr.Aizawa put your hand on top of Mr.Yamadas hand." He does that "Now concentrate on wanting him be calm. Close your eyes"

Aizawa closes his eyes. His hands glows a little

'He has that much magic?!? He's a powerful human'

Few seconds later Hizashi falls asleep on the couch


"What" Aizawa opens his eyes "is he ok?"

Lillith walks up to him "he's...asleep. Instead of calming him you put a sleep spell on him"

"How do I reverse it"

Lillith lightly chuckles "I got it" she/they put(s) her/their hand on his head "opa"

Yamada opens his eyes. Lillith takes her/their hand off his head and he sits up

"What happened?"

"Instead of calming you Aizawa put you to sleep" Lillith giggles

"Points for trying?"

"Yeah I guess" Lillith giggles again

The bell rings

"Well I'll see you guys" he gets up and leaves. In the hall he yells "LEARNING YEAH!"

Lillith covers her/their ears "ow!"

"But he's in the hall"

"Elf ears are like wolf ears we can hear far away things"

"How far?"

"3.2 km (2 miles)"

"That's quite a way"

"It's quite annoying sometimes"

"So after school are we gonna continue this? And try to work on your quirk?"

"Sure I don't mind. I'll text Penelope and let her know"

"Ok. Now let's get to class cutie"

'Did he just...? I'm not cute!'

While walking to class Aizawa has always noticed that Lillith covers her right eye

"I didn't want to ask before, but why do you cover your right eye?"

"Oh um...that's not important" she weakly giggles

Aizawa stops then Lillith "what are you not telling me?"

"What are you talking about?!?"

'Did he figure out that...'

Aizawa moves the hair out of her/their face revealing  her/their other eyes is white with a grey pupil (her/their left is black with a red pupil)

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