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4 years ago...

On November 20th, 2001...

"Stop it, please!" y/n shouted desperately, trying to free herself from the two boy's hold on her.

She was weak, she was useless.

"I'M BEGGING YOU! PLEASE DON'T DO THIS KISAKI!"  She cried, thrashing harder against the boy's hold. It did nothing.

"Now, y/n. You'll only make this worse. You've done this to yourself, you know." He grinned, holding out a knife. "This is your fault. Maybe you shouldn't follow in your big brother's footsteps. It will only get the ones you love killed." He held out the knife to her crying form, she was shaking in fear. "This is an example, and a warning..."

"Y/n..." It was Nakano.

Her childhood friend.

Her best friend.

Her crush.

She was with y/n through everything, thick and thin. She encouraged her dreams of becoming like her big brother, wanting her to be strong and a good warrior like him. Possibly better.

Y/n loved her, as a friend and more. She didn't know what she would do without her by her side.

And it seems like she was about to find out.

"Kano..." Y/n cried, looking at her best friend. She was beaten and crouched on the ground, tears streaming down her face. Y/n shook her head, looking back at Kisaki. "I- No! N-No I can't! Please, don't make me do this!" She screamed, twisting her arms roughly to get out of the hold, to get to her friend that was suffering.

"It's either you, or me. Pick one, y/n." Kisaki said darky. "It will be worse if it's me. Better to not make her suffer. Put her out of her misery." He smiled.

That damn smile. I hate it.

Kisaki nodded at the two boy's behind her, making them drop her arms to let her go.

Y/n was frozen, she didn't know what to do.

She didn't want to kill her, she didn't want any of this.

Kisaki nudged the knife towards her, making her trembling eyes shift to it.

"Time's wasting." He spoke.

She shakily took the knife, holding it in her hands. She walked over to Nakano, standing above her shaking form.

"I-I can't. Please-" Y/n started.

"No one has to know. This is between me, and you." Kisaki interrupted.

She looked down at her friend, who was slowly sitting up in an upright position against the wall, holding her stomach and broken arm.

"I don't want to do this." Y/n cried. Her vision becoming blurry.

So blurry she couldn't even recognize Nakano sitting below her.

"Y/n..." Nakano said quietly. "It's okay...I'll be okay. I don't blame you for this." She smiled, her green eyes covered by her faux brown hair.

That smile. She loved that smile.

How could she smile in a predicament like this?


"I can't, Kano..." she cried, the knife starting to slip from her hands.

Nakano reached up, grabbing the knife, and positioning it back into her hands gently with her own shaky one. Her hand stayed on y/n's, a pleading look in her eyes.

"Y/n, please...if you don't, it will only make it worse. They might go after more people- innocent people." She cried, her hand trembling on top of y/n's. "I trust you..." She smiled, more tears leaking out of her eyes. "I trust you... so much."

Y/n fell to her knees, crying desperately for anyone to come save her, to save Nakano.

"Kano....I'm scared. I-I don't want to do this to you. Please, I love-"

"Don't." Nakano said sternly, holding y/n's face in her hands. "Don't waste your love on me, it's pointless y/n. You need to do this, and...once you do, you will be the best warrior everyone's seen. People will look up to you...they will fear you." She smiled lovingly, a look of determination in her eyes. "Promise me."


"Promise me, you will become the best warrior...promise me you will find love again." She cried, holding y/n's hand tighter.

"Kano...I-I can't-"

"You will." She nodded. "You will, y/n. You'll save many others to come if you do." She wiped a tear on y/n's cheek with her thumb. "It's okay... I'll be okay." She cried.

"Please..." y/n begged.

"Promise me."

Y/n looked deep into Nakano's eyes, they were full of understanding and eagerness.

Y/n gripped the knife harder. "I promise." She whispered.

Nakano smiled, letting go of y/n's face and letting her head fall back against the wall, arms limp. "That's my warrior..."

Y/n let out a cry, plunging the knife into Nakano's stomach. Her eyes immediately rolled back, her head falling to the side limply.

A smile stayed on Nakano's face the whole time.

Y/n hugged her lifeless form, burying her head into her neck as she cried. "I-I'm sorry- I'm so sorry.."

"If I can't have you, neither can she." He said as the three of them started walking away. "Happy birthday, y/n."

She screamed.


sad chapter :') 

hope you enjoyed a hint of angst.

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