chapter 1

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Dream pov

george and i have been living together for some time now and i've noticed something about his behaviour.
you see, im a caregiver and george is radiating little vibes.
so were gonna test that theory the next time he starts acting like he's slipping.

------time skip brought to you by my dog pissing on the couch-----------------------

i was making dinner when george came into the kitchen and started whining about how he was bored and hungry.
i was getting annoyed.
"go sit at the table george im almost done."
he continued whining.
i ignored him till i was done cooking.
he hadn't noticed i was done so i picked him up and slung him over my shoulder.
once i reached the dining room i set him down and turned him to face the corner .
"you can stand in the corner till i'm done setting the table since you were too busy being a whiny little boy."
"im not a child!"
"well youre sure as hell acting like one!"
he pouted and turned to the corner again.
i could clearly see that he was trying to hold back his regression.
i started setting the table and noticed george constantly looking over at me.
"eyes in the corner baby"
he flushed at the nickname but faced the corner again.
when i was done setting the table ⟟ went over to george.
"you can come out now."
he looked at me, a frown displayed on his face.
"no need to be grumpy its your own fault that you ended up in the corner."
"didn' mean t' be bad" he said, tears filling his eyes.
"hey, baby its ok you just have to remember not to do it again. i'm not mad at you i promise"
i grabbed his face to make him look at me and wiped the tears from his eyes.
"now let's go eat or the food will get cold"

he giggles and sits at the table.

"hey gogy?"


"how old are you right now?"

"'m fowr!" he says holding up five fingers.

"thats great baby but you're holding up five fingers." i say chuckling.


≈after dinner≈

"gogy do you have any stuff to help you when you feel small?" i ask while doing the dishes.

"i jus' have dweam blob stuffy" he answers in a sad tone.

"no need to be sad sugar, we can get you more stuff"


"inside voices gerogie, but yes of course we can."

by now he's basically vibrating with exitement.

i look over to the clock on the wall and notice that its already 8 pm.

"how about we get ready for bed georgie?"

"nooooooooo" he says yawning immediaetly after.

"yesssssssss, i can clearly see youre tired baby."

"nope *yawn* not tired."

"if you say so, but im going to bed now so if you want cuddles, you should come too."

"no i stay awake."

i go upstairs and get into my pj's when i come out of the bathroom i see george sitting on my bed in his pj's.

"well look who decided to show up" i say in a teasing tone.

george just looks away and pouts.

after a few seconds of silence he holds out his arms in my direction.

i smile and walk over to him, picking him up and laying in bed with him on top of me nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

"g'night georgie" i whisper into his ear.

"g'night daddy"


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