Chapter 8

457 35 3

Wang Yibo's POV

Day 1

I wandered around the road, one step after another, as I watched my feet leave prints behind the grin path.

They say that those who got destined to meet will always find each other, just like the myth of the red thread of fate.

When I was younger, my parents often told me these stories; I never believed them, but these days I spend with Zhan, it wasn't like love at first sight, but it was like he opened a door inside my heart.

He left his footsteps inside my heart before he ran with the wind; perhaps this was all destined to happen, and he was the person on the other side of my invisible string of fate.

I remembered the map out of my mind as I kept walking, unknown to where, but it was like my feet knew the way without me.


Day 2

Everywhere I looked were people, some hand in hand, some with families and some all alone.

None of them moved as I danced with the wind past them; life is like living in between 0 and 1.

It's all about logic until you encounter love, I sighed, crouching down to the ground as I felt tiredness rushing over me.

It was so quiet, I missed Zhan, and as I looked around me, I felt lonely; no one who understood me or would understand me.


Day 5

The days pass, and every day looks like the one before as I keep track of the path, trying to search for Zhan; wherever I go, no one sees me; I am like darkness.

You know I'm there, yet you aren't able to see me.

I quicken my pace as I ran through the quiet streets filled with people, taking some snacks from different shops and nibbling on them, imagining Zhan scolding me for not eating healthily.

I missed him.


Day 9

The closer I looked at the map, the more I felt like I came closer and closer to Zhan; something inside my heart tugged like a string.

I knew I was coming closer to him.

Wait for me, Zhan . . .


Day 12

When I was with Zhan, that one hour sped by, and time would fly as we teased each other, but without him, it's like I got engulfed into total darkness, no light in sight.


Day 13

I stopped in my tracks as I turned around, the cry escaping from my mouth before I realized what I was doing; I was running towards him.

When I was about to reach him, I slowed in my tracks, my eyes widening and filling with tears as it dawned upon me.

It was a trick in my mind.

The man didn't look like Zhan close up.

Zhan was taller, had broader shoulders and sharper feathers, and Zhan didn't wear glasses.

I rubbed my eyes, clearing my view while taking deep breaths, trying to calm my heart as I felt loneliness settling inside me.


Day 15

I can see the building A-Yuan mentioned to me; it was an old wracked building standing out in the town.

Is this where all the mannequins went to . . . ?

I shivered as I prayed for Zhan to be safe, my steps increasing almost like I was running, but I felt so tired.

And suddenly, I heard the first banging of the tower as I collapsed in that dark alleyway where no one would see me, hidden into the darkness.


Day 16

Zhan and I are like stars; from far, we look so close to one another, but the closer you look at us, the farther we are from one another.

These days without Zhan, I've been thinking about what would happen after all of this, would we reunite, or would we wake up in our own world, and both forgot what happened here?

Or worse, would he forgot what happened and would I be the one to remember.

I chuckled humourlessly; what did it matter as long as I had experienced love?

With that in mind, I kept running closer and closer towards the building, knowing time was rushing, and before I reached the fences of the building, the time froze again.


Day 17

Ding, Ding, Ding.

The sound of the tower halted mid-sentence as I could move again; I ran towards the fences, calling out Zhan's name as I got met by silence.

He was there; I could feel him.

I looked around for a way to get over the fences as I took a deep breath and slowly approached it.

I couldn't climb over it, so I turned around, noticing the empty baskets as I run towards them, grabbing them and putting them onto each other as I looked over the fences.

As I dangerously stood on those empty baskets, I tried to climb over it carefully, my heart thumping inside my chest; so loudly that I questioned if Yibo could hear it.

Jumping on the ground from the fence, I felt my legs wobbly as I stood there, I did it, but I felt like I was about to collapse any moment.

I ran around the building, searching for the door as I found it unlocked.

Without a second thought, I stormed inside, calling Zhan's name as finally, after all these lonesome days, I got a response.

His voice was soft, but I heard it as my feet led the way, quicker and quicker; even though he only called my name once, I seemed to know the way somehow.

There I found him, amidst the darkness in a cold storage room, his wrist tied up to other mannequins as I rushed to help him, but I ended up tripping over my feet and falling to his chest.

I felt all my blood heating towards my cheek as I glanced up to Zhan, who smiled silly at me, placing a butterfly kiss on my forehead.

Snuggling against him, I muttered under my breath, "I love you."

Zhan muttered back as my word turned black, but I heard his voice clearly.

I love you too . . .

Word count: 1150 words


#LAME I know, I know, sorry, it's soooooo freaking lame, sorrrryyyyyyyyy, lmao, my brain just is dead, I didn't want to write this chapter as I had a writer's block for this chapter, and this afternoon I was wokring on the chapter and I was doing well. Then I suddenly got called in for work and had to leave, after procrastinating for the whole evening I decided to finish it, and it's sooooo freaking lame!

I am so sorry, and sorry for my empty promises too, I promise (for real this time) that I either update the epilogue tonight or tomorrow!!

Please let me know your thoughts on this chapter!!

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