Second Page

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Hilda: Just give me a second to make the chicken nuggets! *hits wall with crowbar*
Ghost: My stomach was feeling quite void...
Toast: Same here, sir! I'm having a muchines famine.
Bert: You'll love Hilda's cooking! The first guy died... but it's no longer fatal!
Ghost: Like I say... The early bird may gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Toast: Bravo bravo. Well said, sir.
Hilda: Here's your chicken nuggets! Enjoy...
Ghost: Nom Nom. That was great!
Toast: Nom Nom. Shouldn't we get back to the ghost problem? Nom Nom.
Ghost: Let's make a banana and split!
Bert: There was some ghost-like action happening outside.
Hilda: Yuppers! Let's skedaddle!
*They go outside*
Ghost: Hmm, so far everything seems normal... too normal.
Bert: Y'all ain't just a bunch of losers ripping us off right?
Toast: I assure you, Mr. Ghost is the #1 ghost hunter in a 20-foot radius of this house.
Ghost: See? I know what I'm talking about.
Hilda: Oooooh! He's so rad!
Ghost: From what I can tell, the ghost must be a level 7.6894503.01!
Toast: I think your right sir... But are you sure it's not a level 7.6894503.02?
Ghost: I'm positive... This ghost seems rather scared of us!
Toast: A day without sunshine is like, night.
Ghost: Exactly... We may need to think this through carefully.
Hilda: Can I help? I'm good at gust punting.
Bert: She is pretty amazing at goose pooping.
Toast: Shall we allow her to help us?
Toast: Try running circles around us... that may cause the ghost to try and eat us.
Hilda: Okie Dokie!
*Runs circles*
Bert: You go girl!
Ghost: I think it's working! I feel a disturbance...
Toast: That may be the chicken nuggets, sir... I feeling it too.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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