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Tala's pov

It's my first day of school, also my first month here at California. My family decided to move here after my sister, Luna, passed away just seven months ago. They told me it's for moving on, but for me it's like abandoning our memories with her. After she passed, my parents never mentioned her again, they never even wanted to hear her name.

I stood up from the bench from the lake I found a few weeks ago and since then I've been here everyday. I put on my airpods and opened put Anson Seabra on shuffle while I walk my way to school.

Anson Seabra always gives me comfort, he sings about heartbreak and sometimes love songs. He's my comfort singer.

While walking, I noticed a car following me from behind. It made me scared, being kidnapped is my biggest fear. I'm calmed tho. I continued humming the song from my airpods. I stopped when the car that was following me honked and pulled up next to me.

"Hey!" The guy from the car greeted, he's wearing a Philza hoodie and jeans with fluffy long hair and grayish eyes, his voice is quite deep and by the look of him, he's tall.

"Hi?" I greeted back, my eyebrows furrowed from confusion

"It's like 24 degrees out and you're walking" he said "why?"

"Because I decided to walk?" I said "why are you asking? Mr. It's 25 degrees out an I'm wearing a hoodie"

"What school do you go to?" He asked again

"California High" I answered

"Pog, I go there too" he said "wanna have a ride?"

The more he spoke, the more familiar his voice became for me

"Look" I sighed "if you're a bully from school and wants to make my whole year miserable, I don't want it ok?"

"What are you talking about? I am one of the most known nerd in Cali High" he chuckled

"Oh, I'm sorry" I laughed, shaking my head

"You sure you don't want the ride because I'm pretty sure you'll be late for your first day" he said, looking at his phone

I checked mine too, 7:45am only 15 minutes before the school bell. I don't want to be late.

"Just know that I am only accepting this ride because we are both late" I smiled at him, as he unlock the passenger seat to let me get inside

We didn't have a chat inside the car, it was quiet. I was listening to my tunes and he was silently driving while talking to his friend on his own airpods.

I didn't get the chance to say thank you to him or even ask his name after the ride because he left me in the school car park. It also didn't take me long to find my homeroom classroom since I checked it out last week when I enrolled. Of course every first day of school for transferies, introduce yourself is a must for teachers.

"Hello! I'm Tala Malari, seventeen, I moved here in California with my family a month ago from the Philippines" I said boringly. "I guess that's all to share?"

After that the teacher sent me off, the only empty seat was from the front row, which is actually good because it helps me focus more. Talkative people sits on the back of the room. I don't like people talking to me while studying.

The first two classes was fine, teachers was very nice. Lunch was the worst, I never liked eating in cafeterias, sometimes I eat in libraries and listen to music or talk to my online friends when they're not busy. Well this time, my friends are all busy so I have to listen to music

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