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I should have known better.

I was suddenly reminded of those characters I despised so much in movies. The ones who walked straight into a death trap, knowing fully well what was in store for them. They were the first to die. Deservedly so. I had no sympathies for them. But maybe we all have that inside us in parts. That thing that pushes us to do stupid things. Like trying to cross a highway, even when cars are zipping by at high speeds. When the lights came on and I saw Amy on the table, I realized I was one of them.

Amy's hair was open and wet. Little drops of water formed at the ends of her black hair and fell on her bare feet. Amy, is that you? - I wanted to ask. But I had lost my voice in fear. My back pushed against the cold wall behind me. I wished it would engulf me into the concrete, and let me loose on the other side of this horror house.

She put a finger on her lips. It was completely unnecessary. Nothing was coming out of my mouth anyway.

While I was frozen, my eyes darted all over the room. From Lars to Jake to Amy, to every corner of the room. Just to be fuckin' sure there were no more people around I didn't know of. There were only that many surprises my heart could take.

The ground floor was one big living room. The table in the center. The kitchen on the right. The living room on the left. The washrooms and the stairs further down the room. Old newspapers strewn across the floor. Dirty dishes in the kitchen sink. Dusty sofas. Bare walls. Not a single frame or photograph on them. And the smell of kerosene.

It went eerily quiet. I could barely hear myself breathe. Lars and Jake didn't react at all. Jake kept staring at the floor with unflinching eyes that didn't react when the bright lights came on. While Lars, who had sunglasses on, stared straight ahead at the wall in front of him. Amy didn't bother to look at them either. Her eyes were set on me. I slowly unhooked the door bolt behind me. CLICK. She shook her head, as if to say - NO.

"Did she leave?" Lars checked. Jake didn't reply again.

Jake didn't reply. "I'll get the door."

Lars slowly got off his chair and in a measured way walked towards the main door. My eyes followed him across the room. My mouth wide open but silent. His boots knocked twice on the floor at every step. First the heel, then the rest of the boot. As he got near the door, I cautiously slid myself against the wall to avoid coming in the way. He opened the door and shouted, "Haley?"

I was standing right next to him.
He shut the door and turned around.
"She's gone," Lars said.

I am right here! - I wanted to shout. But not even a whisper made it's way out.

Jake still didn't say anything.

The door was now locked and I had nowhere to

go. "It's been a long night, Lars," Jake finally said. "Why

don't you take some rest upstairs?"

Lars grabbed his glass and took one last gulp of the whiskey, before bumbling his way up the stairs.

As soon as he was gone, Amy got up and nimble footedly rushed across the room towards the kitchen shelves, taking rapid small steps without actually running. A trail of water dripped off her body on the floor.

Jake got off his chair and slowly walked towards the switch next to the door. As he came closer, I looked into his eyes again. Even though he was moving ahead, he eyes weren't looking anywhere in particular. His hands searched the wall for a moment, before I heard a click and the lights went off. The candle light dimly lit the table now, and Amy vanished into the darkness again.

Jake turned back and stopped. As if he had heard me gasping for breath. And then I heard footsteps. First slowly, then really quick. Like bare feet on a wooden floor. dub....duB...dUB..DUB..DUB DUB DUB DUB. Amy appeared out of the shadows with a long knife in her hand, raised over her shoulder - her face expressionless, heading straight at me.

My head pushed itself back against the concrete wall with my open palms up in the air. My legs trembled, promising to collapse under my own weight.

Amy went straight for the chest. I shut my eyes, turned my cheek towards the wall and took in a deep breath to prepare for the worst. But nothing happened.

When I opened my eyes again, Jake was holding back Amy's arm. He twisted it and the knife fell to the floor.

Sometimes the world doesn't make sense anymore, and you just feel like a little rabbit that has been let loose in the fields only for the hounds to chase you down. Sometimes death can be a relief.

At that moment, when I realized that Jake didn't look so blind anymore, and that Amy was somewhere between dead and alive, and that Lars couldn't see me when I was right there next to him at the door - I really wished that knife had pierced my chest. Instead Jake hit me with a metallic vase on my head and relieved me of my agony for some time.

I hit the floor. Blood streamed down my forehead.

Things were not as they seemed.

A/n -


'The Blind Man' was originally supposed to be just a one-part story. I felt all the interesting stuff had already been written, and most of the questions were answered.

But some of you wrote about wanting to know where it goes from here (given the open ending), I just had to write Part 2 and 3. I have made many changes to what I had in mind at first, to keep things fresh and interesting.

Hope you like it! I'm nervous-haha! Sequels never live up to expectations.

If you have any questions, I am always there in the comments.

What do you will happen in the concluding part 3 now :D?

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