Chapter One: The Beginning

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In the beginning, there was what mortals call the great God. He was a bored immortal with cosmic power, to resolve this he formed Heaven along with an army of angels to pass the time. He made a structure, a power system with himself on top. Angels, Saints, Arc Angels, Deities, his champions, and himself. All was well in the land and peace was all these "holy" beings knew. However, this too bored the great God. To make his situation more interesting, he made an angel that could think and act like him: Luciel MourningStar.

Luciel realized his ability of free thought early, the cruelty of the great God's system evident to even his new eyes. Saints and ArcAngels mistreated Angels with their abilities, and the champion Lux was forced to kill whatever creation God put against her if she wished to live past sunset. After millennia of watching the injustice, Luciel decided enough was enough and that the great God must fall.

Throughout eons, Luciel slowly gained an army within God's ranks. His best friend Hiro led the revolution with him, while his general Lilith soon became his lover. Finally, the day came where Luciel made his stand with more than half of Heaven on his side, however, most of his soldiers were normal Angels.

After a grueling battle, God decided War was more boring than peace. He cast Luciel and his followers out of Heaven, creating Hell to contain their abilities and their spirits. However, he underestimated his creations. After Earth had been created, Luciel made humans join him and his kingdom, letting their damned souls live free lives in a city of chaos.

God, afraid of his creations now that they knew it was easy to be free of him, punished the rest of Heaven to make them obedient. The Deities were stripped of their physical forms and left to rot inside of Death's kingdom and human hosts, removed from Heaven entirely. The Arc Angels were forced to be completely obedient to God's commands and left as his generals over human life. The saints were given powers that left them disabled, dependent on God. The angels were sent down as Human souls, forced to live through pain and suffering and prove that they were worthy of being pure beings. The champion Lux was trapped inside God's grand coliseum, forced to battle for her life once every moon and train the Arc Angels to kill mortals.

Knowing of such cruelty blooming in the golden palace of Heaven, Hiro decided that he would save Lux and begin the long war to destroy Heaven entirely. Hiro visited Heaven's Coliseum, speaking to Lux and slowly gaining her trust. Over the years, the pair slowly gained mortal feelings for each other. However, God learned of their meetings and decided he would no longer allow the pair to go unpunished. The lovers were dragged before God and sentenced to death, but the pair managed to strike a bargain with the grand deity.

Hiro gave up his white wings, the pair he protected from the blackening smoke of Hell when he fell, for their lives. As long as they both lived, Hiro's wings would be God's possession. Lux offered God her gift of Light in exchange for their freedom. God cast the pair into Hell, where Lux was christened with the new name Umbra, Deity of Shadows, and Magick.

Into the world was given cruelty and suffering, especially to the old Angels that were changed into Hybrids. Their half-human half-animal appearances led them to be slaughtered by humankind. However, into this world were born the children bound to change it. The catalyst of which was Hiro and Umbra's only child, an infant girl with violet eyes and the crown of two kingdoms. This girl's name was Rondom, a warrior born to have blood on her hands and yet be a queen of peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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