Baby Benedict Part 4

Start from the beginning

Rich looks at the baby in his arms and sighs as her tears continue to stream down her cheeks. "Aw, darlin'. I know, must be real painful for you, hm? Gettin' all these new things growing in your mouth. It can't be fun. Let me see, cutie. Hm? Let uncle Richie see" He talks to her. He gently opens her mouth with his finger and he only manages to see one speck of white poking out of her gums before she closes her mouth and starts to chew on his finger. He chuckles "Your daddy's taught you somethin' real bad, hasn't he?". He sighs, but it did stop her fussing "Alright, kid. I know I'm your favourite uncle. But I am not standing here with you like this all night. That's your daddy's job". He takes his finger away and she starts to cry a bit. He sighs "Shh, I know. I'll find you somethin' even better". He hums "How'd you feel about an ice cube, hm?". She just fusses more, so he sighs "Okay, ice cube it is". He holds her in one arm as he shakes Rob awake. "Hm? What, is she bothering you?" He mumbles. "No, I'm just letting you know I'm gonna take her for a walk" He replies. He nods tiredly "Oh, okay". Rich had already put a shirt on beforehand and he took her pacifier and the teething star with him. He puts the cool, plastic star in his pocket, then sticks the pacifier in her mouth so that the only thing he is carrying is her.

He quietly exits the room, then walks down the hallway with her. "Okay, cutie. We're going on an adventure" He chuckles, making sure she is comfy on his hip. He has one of his arms under her and the other is holding her little leg against his torso. He heads down the main stairs to the lobby. He smiles when she babbles at the feeling of him going downstairs. He shakes his head "You're a little weirdo, aren't you?". He walks over to the main desk, hoping that someone is still working. He rings the bell on the desk, making Ayla jump. "Shh, it's okay" He whispers to her and a woman emerges from the back door. Thank goodness.

She smiles politely "Hi, can I help you?". "Um… yeah. Well, maybe. I apologise for it being so late, but I wanted to ask for a favour" He replies. She hums "Sure, whatever you need. Is there a problem?". "Oh, no. Everything's perfect, thanks. I was just wondering if it would be possible for me to get a glass of ice cubes" He sighs, realising how insane he sounds. She chuckles "Let me guess, is she teething?". He smiles, attempting to hide his relief "Yeah, she is. So, is it possible?". She chuckles "I think I can make an exception. I may know a thing or two about raising children. Let me see what I can do". He nods "Thank you". She smiles at him again before going back through the door she came out of. He looks at Ayla "Damn, the things I'm doin' for you already. I better be your favourite uncle after all this. You owe me big time, darlin". She babbles and he smiles "Never tell anyone I said this, but you're freaking adorable. You're gonna be a little heartbreaker, aren't you?". Before long, the woman returns with a glass of ice cubes. "Here you are. Is that okay?" She asks. "That's great, thank you" He replies. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but did she not come in with someone else?" She questions him. He nods "Yeah, she did. That was her dad, I'm her uncle. He's upstairs sleeping". "Oh, I see. My apologies, it's kinda customary to be suspicious in these kinds of buildings" She explains. He smiles "No worries. I'd be suspicious too. But I have three boys of my own. So, it's a change to have a baby girl around". "I completely understand. Have a good rest of your night and good luck with the teething" She replies. He nods, taking the glass "Thank you".

He then turns and walks back the way he came. As he does so, he bounces her a little, earning a happy babble from her. And then she starts to chew on his short sleeve. He sighs "Really? Does that mean you like me, or what?". He takes the material out of her mouth and that's when he realises how she was able to do that. He frowns "Hey, you used to have a pacifier. Where'd you put it?". He turns around to look down the hallway and sees nothing that resembles something that goes in a baby's mouth. He hums, pursing his lips. Then, as if she's realising the same thing, she starts to cry. "Hey, hey. Shh, it's okay. We'll find it" He tries to soothe her. She doesn't seem to want to calm down as she cries louder. And he quickly realises that, that isn't what she's crying about. "Okay, you can't go back to the room like this. Your daddy will freak" He mumbles to himself and, without dropping her (or the glass of ice), he sits on the floor in the middle of a hotel hallway. Then sits her in his lap "Okay, darlin. Wanna try an ice cube?".

He puts the glass on the floor, then takes the smallest one out. "Here" He sighs, giving the cold cube to her. Her cries pause and she whimpers at the sudden coldness. He chuckles softly "Is that cold, Ayls?". She babbles as he holds it between his fingers in her mouth. He sighs "Is that nice? Are we good now?". She tries to bite it, so he takes it away for a second, grimacing due to the baby drool and cold water mix on his fingers. "No, darlin. You can't bite it. You don't have teeth yet" He tells her. She whimpers and fusses. He smiles slightly "I know, life sucks when you're all gums and no teeth". "You want it back? Okay, but no bitin'. I don't want you hurtin' yourself, darlin" He tells her as he puts it back in her mouth. She stops fussing and he sighs "There, see? Uncle Rich to the rescue". When the ice cube melts, he takes that as the cue to head back to the room.

He enters the room, the now sleeping baby and all. He puts the glass down before putting her back in the crib. "Well, it was fun while it lasted, Ayla. Sweet dreams" He whispers as he places the blanket back over her. Then he heads to his bed and crashes for the rest of the night/morning. And neither of them are woken up until it's an appropriate time for them to get up.

- W.S

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