"Okay, okay, okay." He nods, "We need to buy more snake food by the way, we've nearly run out."


We meet up with a few friends before getting to the Dumping ground. I wear a black dress and Evie wears a red one as she is carried in Liam's arms.

After talking to Frank, Tee, Lily, Bailey, Toni and Billie for a while. We decide that it's time to finally got to the wedding. The boys all decide to wear sunglasses. I don't know, maybe it was some type of inside joke.

We approach the building where there are two kids stood outside. "No entry." The taller one puts his hand out.

I smirk and tilt my head. "What?" Bailey questions.

"What he said." The shorter one backs, "No entry."

"Are you two serious?" I laugh.

"We're on the guest list." Liam backs me up, "Who are you two anyway?"

"We're the door men." One says seriously. It causes our whole group to laugh. I can tell we're intimidating them a bit.

"So what?" Bailey asks, "You guys think you can just stop us?"

"Alright, alright, less of the matcho." Lily laughs, "Fights usually happen after the wedding, not before."

"This could be an exception." I smirk and Bailey smirks at me.

"Look," Frank starts, "We used to live here, all of us. And clearly, we are all dressed for a wedding."

"Some more than others." I glance back at Liam who just nudges my shoulder in return.

"You know my reason." He looks at the two boys, "Now, are you going to step aside or what?" Liam, being the tallest and most intimidating, was sure to make them budge. Despite the fact he was holding a 2 year old, little girl in his arms.

We make our way into the back garden where we see the gazebo with a cake underneath. Tyler and three other people stand underneath it.

"Well, at least we have a cake again." The shortest one says.

"You call that a cake." Lily comments as we all walk over to where the chairs are laid out.

"Tee!" The shortest one exclaims as she runs for a hug, "Oh I've missed you so much."

Liam and I go straight to Tyler. "Look how tall you e got, but man." Liam smiles as he passes Evie to me so he can hug him.

"No way!" Tyler shouts, "You two have a child!"

I forgot that some people may not know this. "Meet Evie O'Donovan." I introduce, "Mini Me."

Evie sticks out her hands down grabs a hold of one of Tyler's fingers.

Liam coughs, "Mini me."

Tyler looks at him, "Definitely Mini Zen."

We look over that the cake, it looks okay I guess.

"There was an incident with the last ones we have to do it again, it was a lot better." The giver girl Floss tells us.

"Well," Tee shrugs, "It wouldn't be the same without one, would it?"

Tyler, still playing with Evie, looks up, "No one said you guys were coming."

"Almost didn't, security's tight around here." Liam jokes.

Tyler looks at Bailey, "You came all the way from America?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world man, had to leave Mischief though."

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