Was my love so weak for you ?

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Valentina asked," Answer me !" Crystal and edger looks at each other. Crystal asked' Why this sudden question?" Valentina replied" Look, crystal you are very well aware of the circumstances when you came here and those circumstances were the reason for my silence, but now I really want to know your side I want to know what's going on in your heart" Crystal replied" Yes I am aware of those circumstances when I came here" Crystal said while thinking something in her heart crystal's eyes was reflecting that her past is running front of her eyes. Valentina understood crystal's feeling, and immediately she asked sorry for it. She said' I am really sorry I didn't mean to hurt you" Crystal replied while changing her expression into a normal one" No, No nothing like that I am fine no need to feel sorry for it" Valentina kept looking at crystal with pity expression. Edger said in between the silence," We want to separate!"
Crystal head was bow down after hearing to edger's bitter sentence she raised her head up she was having teary eyes after listening to edger's bitter sentence, a drop fell down from her eyes. Immediately, crystal wipes her tear with her finger. Crystal's heart said,"Is it that easy to leave me?, to separate me?, was my love so weak for you?"

Crystal takes a deep breath and says," Yes! Even I want the same" Edger's heart falls  weak after hearing to crystal. A pain arises in edger's heart, crystal's sentences were murdering his heart, but he hides it. Valentina asked" Really? Is this your answer to my question?" The both said "Yes" Valentina said" Look I think you both need some time to earn the reality I am giving you 6 months to understand each other in these six months try to spend more times with each other and try to learn the truth after six months I mean after understanding each other it may happen that you may regret for your taken decision"

Divorced loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin