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Present day

Christine put her empty wine glass down on the bedside table. They were sprawled out on Stevie's bed in the big house that she barely ever used. Christine was finally back and staying with Stevie while they were in rehearsals in LA.
Stevie had been showing Christine the self portrait polaroids she was planning on using for an up and coming exhibition she was doing, to coincide with her new album. They'd been looking at beautiful photographs of Stevie when a dangerous glint entered her eyes.

"You know there's some other photos i've thought of using," Stevie said and left Christine sitting in curiosity on her bed, as she went and rummaged through her closet, eventually coming back with a box Christine thought she recognised. Her heart rate shot up and she gulped.

"I think i'm going to need some more wine if we're going to do this." Christine said nervously, her voice hoarse.
"Ahh so you've guessed already my sweet?" Stevie teased in an exaggerated english accent, she placed the box on the bed. "I'll be right back baby," she said and kissed Christine's cheek with a devilish grin before she ran downstairs to get a bottle of wine.

"I can't actually believe that we did that." Christine said, taking a sip of wine and staring incredulously at the 35 year old polaroid picture in her hand.
"Neither can i," Stevie chuckled, her head in Christine's lap, with her long blond curls cascading around her face softly, she still looked exactly like the woman in that polaroid, age had only intensified her beauty, the years fell away making her timeless.

"I don't mean you going down on me, though." Christine clarified "I mean taking pictures of it."
"I kind of figured you meant the pictures, since i ate you out last night." Stevie said with her dirtiest smile and Christine's tanned cheeks tinged pink. With all the years that had gone between, nothing had really changed.

They had opened the box and polaroid pictures of themselves making love had spread out across the bed as they looked at each picture, alternating between gasping and blushing at graphic content, and smiling nostalgically at photos that captured the pure love they shared.

"I love this one," Christine said handing it down to Stevie. It showed Stevie lying propped up on her elbow stroking some of Christine's hair out of her face, their expressions both of completed adoration.
"Me too," Stevie answered gazing up at Christine's face after staring at the picture. Christine lifted Stevie's head out of her lap and pulling her gently up, she captured Stevie's lips softly and smiled shyly at her when they parted.

"We were really happy for a while there, right Christine?" Stevie asked in a small voice laced with vulnerability.
Christine saw the fragility in her eyes and held Stevie close when she answered "I was the happiest i've ever been with you Stevie."

Stevie hugged her tighter and smiled pressing her cheek to Christine's. She allowed herself to play back the beautiful moments of their relationship in her mind. The time they'd spent comforting each other when Christine's marriage to John and Stevie's relationship with Lindsey had disintegrated, had brought them inextricably closer, so close that they only noticed they'd fallen in love when they were forced to spend the night apart and neither of them could sleep a wink, diving into each others arms the next day as soon as it was humanly possible for them to be reunited. It was that morning they kissed for the first time. It was scary and new, but so good, and Stevie couldn't stop herself from thinking it was a kiss that was so right and that ignited their love. "I'm so thrilled you're back baby," she whispered.

"Well i can't let Lindsey have all the fun." She said huskily and chuckled when Stevie raised her eyebrow in distain.
"And just what kind of fun do you think Lindsey is having, Miss Perfect?" Stevie asked seriously but the playful glint in her eye gave her away.
"Oh, i don't know, holding your hand, kissing your hair, slow dancing with you?" Christine said all this slowly, teasingly and tickled Stevie's sides softly.

"You're the only one who gets to touch these," Stevie answered seductively and placed Christine's hands on her breasts, "And this." She said then rising to her knees and moving Christine's hands behind her to her ass.
"Mmm that's alright then." Christine murmured and pulled Stevie back onto her lap. Taking the next polaroid from the stack she gazed at a picture of herself straddling Stevie whose hair flowed around her face in the picture just as it had moments ago and her incredible breasts were exposed. Christine absent-mindedly cupped Stevie's breasts with her hands in an unconscious reaction as they both looked at the picture. "These really are perfect." Christine breathed into her ear, fondling her a little. "They did look pretty good." Stevie admitted giggling, even her giggles happened to sound dirty.

Stevie took the next picture "Now that is perfect," she said gesturing to Christine's ass, her back was arched in the photo that was clearly shot from behind with the sole intention of capturing Christine's ass, as you could barely see Stevie's face that was buried in Christine's neck in it. "You always had the best ass" Stevie told her, turning around as she scoffed and kissing her scrunched up nose.

They came to a picture than was not a polaroid. But the sole developed print from the earlier professional shoot.
"Ah the cover that never was," Christine said staring at the photograph of her and Stevie kissing passionately in front of a fireplace while Lindsey, Mick and John stared open mouthed at them across the room. Stevie and Christine couldn't help but laugh, the looks on the boys faces were priceless.
"Imagine their faces if they'd seen what we did after." Stevie joked and they both burst out laughing.

"I think you should use this in your exhibit Steves," Christine said and Stevie was shocked "It's the only one you could use that could be explained, it was the concept, a rumour worthy cover and all that, just think how freaked out Mick would be, it'd be hysterical." She added. Stevie chuckled at the thought of Mick's reaction.

"It would serve him right." Stevie replied and kissed Christine roughly "I like this naughty side of you."
"Oh you just wait and see how naughty i can be, gorgeous." Christine susurrated, her voice rich and low.
"Oh i do know," Stevie purred looking her in the eye "that whole after-shoot was your idea."
"Would you like to recreate some of these Miss Nicks?" Christine moaned into her ear as Stevie turned around and straddled her hips.
"Definitely." Stevie answered biting her earlobe.
Time had changed them both, but time could never change the concept. Both of them, together, they were magic.

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