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"Bloody hell." John exclaimed somewhat regaining his senses. "What the fuck are they doing?!" Lindsey shouted turning to Mick who clearly wasn't going to answer as he continued to stare at the very heavy make-out session that was happening before them.

Oh god Stevie thought as she put her hand on Christine's cheek, kissing her with as much intensity as she received. Christine couldn't think of anything except how good this felt and pulled Stevie tighter into her. When they both finally came up for air, gasping, they stood dazed with their foreheads pressed gently together for a moment staring at each other. Only when they remembered their surroundings did a look of horror pass between them and they separated.

Lindsey had got up and was storming towards them "What so it's not enough that you got her to break-up with me so you don't have to be miserable by yourself? You've turned her into a lesbian now as well?" Lindsey raged at Christine. Not giving her time to answer, he looked at them both in disgust and walked out the nearest door.

"Why doesn't everyone take 5," Greta shouted to her equally stunned team and the remaining band members. John followed Lindsey out and the team exited into the dining room where they'd mostly stationed themselves.

"This is my fault," Mick said suddenly regaining his composure, and apparently his conscience. Christine looked at Stevie who was wide eyed in her despair.
"What are you saying Mick?" Christine asked quietly, staring at him intensely and making him a little uncomfortable.
"I...I had an inkling that you and Stevie, were you know... You and Stevie." He stuttered, his usual self-confidence dissipated by his guilt.
"How?" Christine asked they'd been so careful she thought desperately racking her brain for anything that he could have seen that would have given them away.
"I...I came into Stevie's room a couple of weeks ago to see if she had any coke, and you were both asleep in her bed... Naked." And Christine groaned in frustration "I jumped to conclusions yes, but, you know, i was right." Mick finished speaking and made eye contact with Christine for the first time since he began.

"And how exactly was this your fault?" She asked slightly angrily now, knowing the answer would not make her happy.

"You know how the record company thinks this album could either way, i've told you countless times, well the cover is important, most people choose an album by the cover, so i had this idea that a, a controversial cover could really boost sales and so i told Greta about how i thought you two were together and that if we could get you to kiss on the cover, it would be perfect, it would be art, and it would start all kinds of rumours. Get people talking about the record. So Greta coordinated how to get the shot and well I... I didn't really believe it would work until i saw it with my own eyes."

"For fucks sake Mick, you could have just asked us!" Stevie shouted regaining her senses and ready to kill him after his explanation.
"You didn't have to sneak around behind our backs, and have a photographer coerce us into exposing our relationship, if you'd have asked us and we could have told Lindsey and John about it before and we could have just pretended it was for the photo. Now we have to deal with them for months on tour being pissed at us! As if making this fucking record wasn't bad enough!" Stevie was screaming at this point and she couldn't care less who heard. It was too late now anyway.

Mick started to try and apologise but Stevie cut him off. "You know what, i don't give a fuck. Just get out and we'll deal with this tomorrow." Even though Stevie was tiny Mick knew she had a temper to be reckoned with and she wasn't messing around right now. He mumbled another apology and left, his blood running cold at the look of betrayal and hurt in Christine's eyes.

As soon as Mick was gone Stevie wrapped her arms around Christine protectively and sat them down on the edge of the settee. Christine buried her face in Stevie's neck and Stevie stroked her hair as she cried softly. Stevie's words had got to her and she'd broke down at the thought of how much of a nightmare the tour was going to be. She'd never wanted to hurt John and she didn't want Stevie to get hurt because of all this either. It was all well and good for Mick to say them kissing would make an artist cover but this could totally ruin their careers.

"What are we going to do?" She asked finally, raising her tear-stained face to look into Stevie's gorgeous brown eyes and feeling almost instantly better at the sight.

"We're going to deal with it tomorrow." She said reassuringly, ending the matter. She'd just kissed Christine's cheek when they both suddenly remembered Greta was still in the room.

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