Time Skip
It was starting to get dark, we had all gotten a lot of things, the costumes, decorations, gingerbread to make gingerbread houses, gifts for each other which we wouldn't show till Christmas day and a bunch of other things. We were just walking around with all our stuff "so what now?" Eugeo asked, I smiled "now, we go on the Ferris Wheel" I answered, both Renly and Eugeo looked confused, I started to run towards the big wheel, the two boys followed closely behind me, once I got there not many people were lined up "come on!" I yelled, the two boys walked up to me, Eugeo looked up at the big wheel in awe, Renly stared at it as well but I was concentrated on Eugeo, his eyes sparkled as he looked at the pretty lights "it's so..... pretty" Eugeo whispered, I smiled and wrapped my arm around his shoulder "well come on!" I walked us to the line, Renly followed, it didn't take long for us to get to the front of the line, they let us into a carriage (is that what its called, idk) we sat down, me and Eugeo on one side, Renly on the other, Eugeo looked a bit nervous "is this safe?" Eugeo asked, I laughed "of course! Why would they put it here if its not safe" I laughed out, Eugeo pouted, I easily broke the pouting face by kissing his cheek "damn you..... I can never stay mad at you when you do this!" Eugeo said annoyed, Renly laughed a bit, we started to move and Eugeo held my hand with his good arm. Renly looked around, I guess he's not afraid of heights, that makes sense he had to ride a dragon all the time. We finally got to the top, we had a view of the entire small town, Eugeo looked at the view in awe "wow...." he whispered, I smiled "this view is beautiful Kirito" he said to me, I chuckled "not as beautiful as you" I said cheekily, Eugeo looked a bit shocked but then he smiled "thankyou.... for coming back to me Kirito" Eugeo hugged me, I hugged back.

Renly/Official Third Wheel Pov
I looked out at the incredible view as Kirito and Eugeo let each other go, I then heard somebody yelling out to us "hey! Guys!" I looked at the carriage next to us, Kirito and Eugeo looked as well "oh Ojo! Sinon! Yui! I was wondering when I'd run into you guys!" Kirito yelled back, me and Eugeo started to laugh at his child like behaviour. I guess he just ignored Alice who was sitting in the carriage as well "we got some costumes! What about you?!" Sinon yelled "we got costumes too!! Let's wear them on Christmas day!!" Kirito yelled back. After we all arrived at the ground again, we all decided now to leave the fair and go to the furniture place. Kirito went inside to get a door while the rest of us waited outside, Ojo looked at the snow sadly "what's wrong Ojo?" Eugeo asked, Ojo looked at him "Christmas was Tsuki's favourite holiday....." she answered, Eugeo looked down sadly "well, I'm sure she's with us! Celebrating Christmas with us even if we can't see her" Eugeo said happily, Ojo nodded smiling "yeah.... I'm sure she is" she mumbled. Kirito came out of the store carrying a door "need help?" I asked, Kirito nodded "yes please" he said tiredly, I helped him pick up the door and we took it to the van, we took it inside "alright, you guys get a hotel for the night I'll try to put this door in" Kirito said, I crossed my arms "you build? I don't think so" Sinon said, we all nodded in agreement, Kirito laughed awkwardly "well then who should do it?" Kirito asked, Ojo went into the van "I actually have experience, the rest of your go, I'll fix the door" Ojo demanded, Kirito sighed and walked away "I'll stay and help Ojo!" I yelled out to them, I looked at Ojo, she nodded. The others all left.

Kirito's Pov
We all went to a local hotel, Sinon went to the desk "hello! We would like a room please" she said politely, the woman at the desk smiled "of course, how many people and which one of you lovelys will share a bed?" The woman asked "well, these two boys here are a couple so they'll share a bed and I have someone else coming that I will share a bed with and then two other separate beds for these two um.... Kirito should we get Renly a separate bed?" Sinon asked me, I thought for a moment "yeah.... he was a bit hesitant to share a bed with us so we should get him a separate bed" I answered, the lady typed away at her computer "your in luck, there is a room like that except one of the Queen sized beds are in a separate room but they all come in the same deal, there is also a undecorated Christmas Tree in there for you guys to decorate for Christmas" the lady explained, Sinon paid for the room and we all headed up. We put all our stuff on our separate beds, me and Eugeo got the bed in the separate room. We put our stuff down and sat on the bed, Eugeo rested his head on my shoulder "I feel sorry for Renly....." he said sadly, I nodded "yeah.....not only did he lose his Alpha but he was the one who killed him" I responded, Eugeo held my hand "anyway, we should check your arm, I'll go get Yui" I stood up and left the room to get Yui.

Eugeo's Pov
I really do feel sorry for Renly, I remember when I found out Kirito was dead, I was in so much pain, I didn't even want to live anymore but it was the people around me that encouraged me to keep going, Ojo, Yui......Tsuki......so I want to do help Renly the same way the others helped me. Kirito walked back into the room with Yui, he gently grabbed my broken arm and unwrapped the bandages, my arm looked a lot more pale than the rest of my skin, Yui scanned my arm "his arm is healed enough for him to move it however he will have to be careful when moving it and not put too much pressure, I would suggest putting the bandages back on without the sticks" Yui explained, I smiled "that's great!" Kirito cheered, he wrapped up my arm without the sticks "try moving your arm but be careful" Kirito told me, I moved my arm a bit "it feels great!" I beamed. Yui left the room "good night Daddy, Papa, I'll see you Christmas Morning!" Yui skipped away. I smiled at Kirito "how long has she been calling you Papa?" He asked, I thought for a moment "since you died" I answered, Kirito nodded, there was a moment of silence before Kirito started to laugh, I gave him a confused look "s-sorry! Haha it's just" he tried to stop laughing "it's weird talking about me dying because I'm right here" Kirito said, I looked down "o-oh sorry....." he went quiet "no it's fine, it was just a hard time for me....." I mumbled, Kirito pat my back gently "guys!! We've got to decorate the tree!" Yui said skipping back into the room, I thought for a moment "maybe we should wait for Renly and Ojo" I suggested "they've already come back, Ojo said it was really easy" Yui responded, I smiled and stood up, we followed Yui out of the room "let's decorate the tree!" Yui said jumping up and down excitedly, we got out the decorations and started to decorate the tree, Kirito went to the radio to play music "ooh, Jingle Bells!" Kirito said excitedly, I me and Renly wrapped the tinsel around the tree, I looked at Renly and had an idea, I wrapped some tinsel around his head "huh?" He looked confused "now your a Christmas tree" I laughed slightly, Renly giggled, Kirito snuck up on me and wrapped some tinsel around my neck, he pulled me into a kiss, I kissed him back "awww" Ojo said sweetly, we pulled away and continued decorating the tree. Once we finished the tree was a bit messy but we did it together "ok last is the Star, who wants to put it up?" Kirito asked, Yui pushed me and Renly up "ok you two can put it on together" Kirito passed me the star, I looked at Renly and shrugged. We got two stools so we could reach the top of the tree, we both held the star together and put it on top of the tree. Once that was finished everyone in the room cheered "alright Yui, time to go to bed, otherwise Santa won't come" Kirito said picking Yui up, she yawned and rested her head in Kirito's shoulder, I smiled sweetly at them while Kirito put her in a bed and tucked her in gently. He then looked back at us, another song started to play "what is this song? It's so beautiful" Renly asked, Kirito smiled "Silent Night" he answered, I smiled. Kirito turned the radio off but the music was still playing "guys it's coming from outside" he said. He went to the window, me and Renly followed, he opened the window and pointed at the people who where walking through the street, they were all singing together "wow.....this town is wonderful" I whispered, I rested my head on Kirito’s shoulder, he wrapped his arm around me, he looked at Renly who was just looking out the window, Kirito gently held Renly's hand as he started to sing with the people, his voice was soft and gentle as was the people in the street. Ojo and Sinon joined in, Alice simply sat in a chair and watched. The night was peaceful, for once in this long adventure we are all at peace.

(I'm sorry a Christmas Chapter was too tempting and there's going to be another one next chapter, I'm feeling festive even though Christmas isn't even close🤣)

YujiKiri (Omega-Verse AU) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now