Chapter 5

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Kirito's Pov
As I woke up, I looked around the room, this isn't my bed, I tried to get up but something was holding me down, I looked down to see a flaxen haired boy peacefully sleeping, he was hugging me tightly, his face snuggled into my chest, I blushed as I recalled us falling to sleep together, right he had a nightmare, I should wake him up, I shook the small omega a bit and soon he opened his eyes, I saw the beautiful mixture of blue and green in his eyes as he looked up at me "Morning sleepy head" I greeted him smiling, Eugeo blushed as he quickly let go of me and moved back covering his face "wow your so flustered!" I laughed a bit, Eugeo pouted and crossed his arms ''don't laugh at me!" He yelled in a childish voice, I laugher even harder, I don't think he even realises that he does that, wow he's cute, I tried to calm down "alright Eugeo I'll stop laughing" I got out of the bed and stretched my arms "we should go, we have a training session with Ronnie and Tiese'' I reminded Eugeo, he nodded and yawned ''yeah I know" he stared at me with a small smile "then let's get dressed and go" I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the bed.

Time Skip
I was training with Ronye, while Eugeo was training with Tiese, we liked to train together since we did nearly everything together "you're doing great Ronye, but try holding the blade like this" I put hand hand into better positions, she smiled at me "thankyou Elite Descipal Kirito" she's always so formal, I sighed "just Kirito is fine Ronye" I reassured. After a while Ronye and I took a break, I looked over at Eugeo and Tiese and saw Eugeo behind Tiese helping her get into a better fighting stance, he was smiling at her and she seemed quite happy as well, I looked away with a twisting feeling in my chest , they always get so close to eachother, I don't understand why, is it really necessary? I looked back at them to see Tiese looking at the ground telling Eugeo something, Eugeo had a concerned look on his face, my eyes widened as she pulled Eugeo in to kiss him, I didn't bother watching any longer, he likes her, he obviously likes her "I think that's enough for today Ronye" I stood up and started walking away "Are you sure?" Ronye asked, I just nodded on my way out, I didn't want to be here.

Eugeo's Pov
As we were training Tiese asked "Hey Eugeo, can I talk to you about something?" I smiled slightly and gave her a nod, concern consumed my chest, what if something bad happened? "Sure Tiese" I noticed Kirito looking at me but decided to ignore it, he looks at me a lot, nothing new "Eugeo... a-as you know, male omegas are pretty rare and you're actually the first male omega I have met so…. I um..." Instead of finishing her sentence she pulled me in for a kiss, I started to panic, I don't like this, not at all! I pushed Tiese away quickly, she seemed suprised "no. I'm sorry Tiese but I like somebody else" I wiped away the tears forming in the corner of my eyes, Tiese covered her mouth with a guilty expression "Tiese I like boy's" I mumbled, then I walked away "our training is over for today" I want to talk to Kirito, he's always there to hug me when I need it, I'm not mad at Tiese it just kind of scared me, I looked up and noticed Kirito was gone, I walked over to Ronye "where is Kirito?" I asked, she smiled awkwardly at me, I noticed tears forming in the corners of her eyes "he walked away after seeing you a Tiese kiss" she answered, she wiped her eyes to stop herself from crying, I always felt like she had a crush on Tiese, now I have something to back that up, anyway back to Kirito, did he get the wrong idea? Is he jealous? That was hopeful thinking but maybe... "Thanks Ronye" I ran outside and looked for Kirito, no where to be seen, he's probably in our dorm, I ran towards the dorms and went inside, I climbed up the stairs and went into our room, Kirito was sitting lazily on the couch, his eyes looked a little puffy, like he has been crying, that's another thing I like about his, for an alpha he's a bit sensitive, he doesn't care if others judge him when he cries, he believes that if you want to cry just do it, it's one of the best ways to get the pain out "So you and Tiese?" Kirito snapped me put of my thoughts, he almost sounded angry, I hope he isn't angry at me, I don't know if I could handle that "Tiese and I are just friends, that's all we'll ever be" I replied, he didn't seem convinced "friends don't kiss Eugeo." He seemed to be refusing to make eyes contact with me, I couldn't help but smile slightly, he's jealous, he's jealous that Tiese kissed me, I shook my head and put my hands on my hips "She only just confessed to me and then she kissed me.... I- I didn't like it at all and I pushed her away" Kirito looked up at me with a concerned look, then he looked back down, he smiled sadly "if your sure" the small smile was obviously fake, he still didn't believe me, maybe he will believe me if I confess to him… this would be a good chance, come on Eugeo you can do it! Gather up what little confidence you have and confess, I decided I would confess to Kirito but first "Kirito I swear we are just friends… I'm not even into girls.... I like boy's'' Kirito suddenly looked at me with wide eyes, I walked over to Kirito and he leaned more into the couch, go confidence go "more specifically, boys with dark hair and grey eyes, that look like the night sky when the light hits them just right" as I said this I saw Kirito blush, I now stood in front of Kirito with his beautiful grey eyes staring back at me, I going to do it, I slowly sat myself on Kirito's lap facing him, I wrapped my arms around his neck, Kirito's face went so red, I could've mistaken it for a tomato "E-eugeo did the suppressants stop working?" He asked, I shook my head "no there still working, This is something I want, I swear" I just knew that I was blushing so much Kirito thought I was weird, no! Don't think like that now, I looked away from Kirito, this position is pretty intimate, what was I thinking? This is too forward, I felt warm arms snake there way around my waist before I could move, I suddenly decided to blurt out "I'm not in love with Tiese! I'm in love with you Kirito!" I closed my eyes, there was a moment of silence and I felt kind of scared for his response, I felt a warm breath against my ear as Kirito whispered "I love you too" his voice sent shivers down my spine, I smiled slightly "You mean it Kirito?" I asked opening my eyes, Kirito moved back away from my ear and looked me in the eyes, he pressed his lips against mine kissing me passionately, I closed my eyes and melted into his embrace, I could've stayed here forever if he let me, Kirito pulled away and started kissing down my neck, I shivered as he got closer to my nape, he stopped and pulled away, I looked at him and he smiled pulling me in for a gentle hug "I won't mark you till your heat is over and I know your absolutely sure" Kirito reassured, I smiled at how thoughtful he was, he was always putting others before himself "but for now" I pulled away a bit looking at Kirito confused, he smiled and kissed me again.

Time skip to end of the week
My heat only had one day left and today Kirito and I were training with Ronye and Tiese again, things seemed awkward between them. As we were training I noticed Tiese freeze and block her nose, I looked at Kirito and he was looking at me with worried eyes, I looked around and every alpha in the room was looking at me, why are they all staring at me? Wait, crap! I forgot my heat suppressants this morning, I slowly started moving back, The alphas started to walk towards me smiling, even those two idiots Raios and Humbert, I closed my eyes as I was backed into a corner and slid down the wall to sit down, shit, shit, shit, tears fell down my face as I pulled my knees up to my face, a cold hand grabbed my arm "no..." they tried pulling me off the ground but I struggled against them "no! Kirito!" The hand was snatched away "Hey fuck off! He said no!" I felt warm comforting arms wrap around me, they pulled me off the floor, I trembled in their arms, I opened my eyes to see a black uniform and pale skin, I looked up to see there face, "Kirito…." I looked behind me and saw a lot of angry alphas, the Alphas kept walking towards us, one was on the ground, I looked back at Kirito and noticed his eyes looked yellow, he was in his enraged state, I started to whimper at all the dominant auras spreading around the room, it was too much for me, Kirito lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder, he started to walk away "not so fast Kirito" Raios stood in front of the exit, blocking Kirito's path, he tightened his grip on me "get out of the way" Kirito demanded, his voice deep and angry, his dominant aura spread around the room making the others disappear, I oddly felt calmed by this, he was protecting me, his aura is so strong, Kirito continued walking away with me on his shoulder once Raios moved out of the way, I covered my blushing face. When we got back to our dorm, Kirito put me down on the couch and grabbed my heat suppressants, he handed me one, I took it out of his hand and put it in my mouth swallowing it quickly "thankyou for getting me out of there Kirito" I thanked him, as Kirito sat on the couch "no problem Eugeo, but I swear if they put their dirty hands on you again, I will kill them" Kirito still sounded angry, I hugged Kirito with a smile on my face "I like the way you try to protect everyone" I whispered, I just want to be the one to protect you, Kirito smiled and hugged me back, We stayed in this position for a while until Kirito decided we should go to bed.

Asuna's Pov
I sat in the cafeteria on the turtle ship, after I had talked to Kirito about me and Yuuki he got attacked by one of the members of the laughing coffin, he was brought here because this place had the best treatment for him, they won't tell me what's happening in there but knowing Kirito he's probably fine "Hello Asuna!" Yuuki cheered hugging me from behind, she was still quite skinny and bony from all those years in the virtual world, she was finally cured though and I was happy to be with her, "Hello Yuuki how are you today?" I asked, smiling "I'm fine, what about you still think Kirito will be mad at you when he wakes up?" Yuuki frowned "Yeah I guess… I'm also worried about what is happening to him there, what if he is all alone?" I looked out to the ocean "he isn't alone don't worry he spends most of his time with a Eugeo I believe" I looked at Kikuoka who was walking up to us "hello Kikuoka are you gonna tell me what's happening to Kirito in there yet?" I asked looking towards him and glaring into his eyes "What we know is that in this world Kirito is an alpha and the boy he spends a lot of time with is an omega" Kikuoka answered "an Alpha and an Omega?" Yuuki asked, she sounded confused "yes in this world there is a second gender you can either be an Alpha beta or Omega" Kikuoka answered, as we talked a bit more about Kirito's situation I knew he was safe.

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YujiKiri (Omega-Verse AU) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now