Stepping out of the shower, he thought glumly, that despite the weeks rolling by, it was not getting any easier.

Each time he passed her in the hallways, shared a class together, or caught a glimpse of her at mealtimes, he would feel the dull ache of missing her in his chest.

And it didn't help that that Weasley was always by her side, treating her like a possession. The bastard didn't deserve her- but... at least she wasn't alone.

He just wished it could be him by her side instead.

He would have done anything to have her in his arms again, to feel her soft body against his, and listen to her steady breaths as they fell asleep together.

It was worse when she looked at him, because he could see that she saw nothing more than the boy who used to bully her. Everything they had shared, everything that had made her fall in love with him had vanished from her mind. Every conversation, every kiss, every fuck was gone.

However, it had not all been for nothing. Without the distraction of Hermione Granger, Draco had almost completed his task. He'd written to his mother letting her know the bird had finally survived the journey.

He should have felt relieved, jubilant, even. But all he felt was a sickness in his stomach about what fixing the cabinet meant. And when his mother wrote back saying it wouldn't be happening until the last day of June because Voldemort was keen for end of year exams to be completed first, he balked in horror, realising he had a whole month of doing nothing but waiting and knowing hell was going to be unleashed upon his clueless classmates.

And there was no stopping it.


Ron had become very attentive with me ever since being discharged from the hospital wing.

He walked with me everywhere, insisting on carrying my bag, he sat next to me in all our shared classes, forcing Harry to sit by himself (although Harry didn't seem to mind a jot, seemingly oddly encouraging of coupling Ron and me up), and every mealtime he served me dinner, making sure I had everything I needed before he then served himself.

But although I loved having my friend back, friendship was now all I felt for him, like a brotherly love. And I'm not going to lie, he was being completely overbearing.

"You're just still upset over the Lavender situation," Harry assured me when I confided this to him one evening by the common room fire after Ron had turned in early. "It really hurt you. I'd never seen you look so upset over anything before, and he did parade it right in your face. Give it time, I'm sure your old feelings will resurface. You're made for each other."

I sighed heavily, gazing at him curiously. "Why are you so keen for Ron and me to get it on? Wouldn't it be rather weird for you, like being a third wheeler?"

"I have my reasons," Harry shrugged mysteriously as he glanced up past my shoulder.

I looked round to see Ginny filing her nails, looking thoroughly bored as Dean showed off his football card collection to her.

Ah. I got it. Keep Ron sweet so he's less likely to blow up when Harry starts pounding his little sister. Smart.

And then a sudden, alarming thought occurred to me.

"Do you think Ron and Lavender... you know?" I asked as I turned back to Harry.

I saw the panic on Harry's face at once. "Uh- maybe... I dunno."

"Because it would change things if they had. For me. It was bad enough discovering that he'd shared his first kiss with someone else, but if he'd... you know. I don't know if I could cope. The first time should be special... memorable. I don't want mine to be Ron's sloppy seconds."

Harry went extremely pale, loosening the collar of his robes at once. I was confused, it wasn't like him to get uncomfortable talking about sex. He and Ron used to talk about it all the time - it was me who used to walk off in embarrassment.

"Hermione, maybe we shouldn't ah- talk about it-"

"Oh grow up, Harry," I snapped. "Who else am I supposed to talk to about this stuff? You and Ron are literally my only friends - the only people in this whole school who I trust."

"The thing is, Hermione," Harry rushed out quickly, "I really don't think losing your virginity is that big a deal. Who cares if it's forgettable? What counts is the future and choosing a sensible life partner who won't hurt you or put you in kind of danger whatsoever."

His eyes shifted guiltily from side to side as he fidgeted in his seat.

"Life partner? What is this? Jerry Springer's Final Thought?"

Merlin, what was with Harry these days? I knew he was under pressure what with Dumbledore dumping all this extra responsibility onto his sixteen year old shoulders (apparently he had to die to win the war or some shit), but he was acting horrendously fishy when it came to my love life.

"I care about you, Hermione," he said solemnly. "And I want the best for my friends. You and Ron belong together, I just know it."

It was just a shame I no longer felt it.

I wasn't sure what had changed in the period of my memory loss, but something had.

And I was determined to find out what.


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