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I spent the morning in his room, going through each and every book, trying to find anything that could help me in my quest to save Draco.

I persuaded him to stay in bed and eat his breakfast, even though he was insistent he needed to get to the Room of Requirement.

"What you need is rest and fuel." I ordered firmly. "The task can wait one day. If you kill yourself trying to work on it then Voldemort has won either way."

He flinched. "Don't... don't say his name."

I was about to quote Harry's favourite Dumbledore saying about fear of a name, when I quickly bit my tongue, feeling pretty sure that Draco would not have appreciated it.

So, I sighed and turned back to my copy of Dark Magic, Black Magic: What's the Difference?

Turns out, not a lot.

A movement behind me told me Draco was getting out of bed. I spun around in the chair, ready to reprimand him like some bossy nurse.

"And just where do you think you're going?" I scolded just as he began to head towards the bathroom.

He stopped in his tracks and looked back at me, his lips curving into a smirk. "For a shower, Granger. Care to join me?"

The effect was instantaneous - heat rising to my cheeks, blood rushing southwards.

"I- uh- I-" I quickly turned back to the desk, hiding my face. "I just reached an interesting part in this book actually-"

"Relax," he chuckled, "it was just a suggestion. Perhaps another time..."

Oh Merlin, how I wanted to. How I really, really wanted to follow him into the bathroom and take off all my clothes and kiss him and touch him and...

But that was just it, despite what happened between us the previous weekend, I wasn't sure I was ready to see his... thing.

I could feel my face flush just at the thought of it. The only one I'd ever seen was a diagram in a book, complete with labels telling me what was what and it's purpose. I was an expert in one way and a complete novice in another.

As the shower began to run, I couldn't help but imagine him removing his clothes and stepping beneath the spray of steaming water. I wondered if he masturbated much. Would he be doing it right now whilst I was sat in his room?

And then to my horror, I started to wonder if Ron and Harry did it too, and my mind became full of disturbing and unwanted images.

Merlin, what was wrong with me? I began to fan my face with my hand, ashamed of myself for abandoning a book to think about boys and their penises.

I looked back down and tried to concentrate on the words, but the sound of the running shower was distracting me too much. All I could think about was the boy underneath it.

This was not helping.

So, I decided to stretch my legs and have a little snoop around his room. But sadly there was not much to see, no secret diary in his bedside cabinet or pornographic magazine stashed under his bed.

This was disappointing, I could have done with taking a peek at one to prepare myself.

"Lost something, Granger?"

I went to duck back out from under his bed, but in my haste, ended up banging my head painfully on the frame.

"Oh holy mother of-" I cursed, pressing my hand against the back of my head to try and stem the pain.

I looked up to see him not only chuckling, but standing there in nothing but a towel, which hung extremely low around his waist.

Oh my.

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