HEADCANONS| How they take care of you

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Reader, you are 3-4 years old btw.

-Mhmmm- eh. Hank doesn't know jackshit how to take care of a child.

-So he asks Doc/Sanford how to.

-He will follow Doc's/Sanford's instructions carefully.

-You are given what you need, food, clothes, water, proper sleep etc...

-He doesn't show emotion/attachment in the beginning, but will slowly soften up and show care.

-Hank gets very awkward and unsure when you ask to play with him/show him affection.

-And when you do play with him, he just kinda follows what you do/say/ what you want him to do.

-You:*hands him a teddy*
 Hank: *just holds it the entire time and stares at you as you play *

-Another way of playing is when he plays his video games while you're sitting on his lap, watching whatever Hank is playing as you snack on something or drinking a bottle of milk. You always end up falling asleep. (You got yoself a gamer dad)

-He will even teach you how to play video games. That is if you can play it.

-You're the one initiating the affection. Mostly when you're sleepy and want a cradle.

-When he needs to go out for missions,  he leaves you with Doc/Deimos/Sanford. If not, he will leave you with everything you need before leaving. And as much as he wants to take long and enjoy the massacre, he does a speedrun, faster than usual.

-Will ask Deimos/Doc to set up cameras on his home so that he can look after you while he's away.

-Remember when I said you can't talk? And the word you can only say is Papa? Weeeell...
You: Papa
Hank: No, it's Hank
You: H-hh
Hank: Go on
You: Honk
Hank: Hank
You: Honk

-If you heard Sanford's voice lines in Project Nexus. It's made obvious that he is a Mama's boy.

-What does that have to do with you? Well, he will give you the same love as his mom did!

-Among all of them, Sanford is the best dad. The most knowledgeable one.

-He will cook for you, Play with you, Tuck you in bed, Kiss you goodnight.., you name it!

-He loves Lulling you to sleep in his arms.

-Sanford will not spoil you though.

-He will cook with you. Ask you to do basic things.
"Can you hand over the spoon for Papa Y/n?"
Sanford: *holds and assists your tiny hands to mix pancake batter*

-When a mission has to be done he will ask Deimos/Doc to look after you.

*points at Deimos smoking at a distance*
"Don't be like uncle Deimos"


-Ah yes, another inexperienced person. Good thing Sanford is there to help him.

-Deimos shows instant care and affection when he first took you in, unlike Hank.
*Constantly squishes your cheeks*

-"Sanfooooord! Kid's crying! I don't know what they want." *visible panic and shaking*

-WILL panic when you are not in his sight/ he doesn't know where you are.

-With Sanford's guidance, you two will do fine.

-This idiot will spoil you though and will not realize it. Which leads to Sanford scolding him.

-Will NEVER smoke in front/ near you. He might even stop smoking because of you.

-'Tis another gamer dad.

-'Tis a clingy dad too.

-Out for a mission? Sanford/Doc will look after you. (At this point Doc has become the go-to babysitter). And just like Hank, he will set up cameras so he can look after you while he's away. 

*points at Sanford*
"Don't be ugly like uncle Sanford"

-Yep, another person with no knowledge of how to take care of a child, but he does his research on how to though.

-He is always busy with work, but when he gets the chance to turn his attention to you, he will take care of you.

-Very distant, but he loves you and looks after you through his cameras. He will feel sad that he wasn't there when you accomplish new things like, first drawing, learning a new word.

-When he has the time, he will congratulate you on whatever you accomplished, and that you must be proud of yourself.

-Rarely shows affection through actions, often does it through words.

-Because of how busy he is, he lets his workers look after you.

-Tucking you in bed, kiss goodnight, cradles, are ONLY for him to do.

-Makes sure that you do at least see him once every day. Often at night when he tucks you in bed.

-But, must you cry, and he sees that in his cameras. He will abandon his work and rush to you.

-Back to you calling him "Papa"
You: Papa
Auditor: Auditor
You: Audi...
Auditor: Au-di-tor *Sing song tone*

So ye, You call him Daddytor

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